Please Disturb Tourism Experts

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photo from the Design Thinking Workshop

We continue with the theme from our last content because we experienced its power and we didn't want to stop sharing that with you. Because we want you to believe it too. 


Last week we participated in the organization of a workshop on the philosophy of Design Thinking applied to the challenge "How to make Lisbon a Creative Tourism Capital?" At the end of five mornings, a group of 12 people who did not know each other, generated 3 fantastic ideas as a response to the challenge. Only because they worked as a team, with a common goal, with a focus on the problem, and mainly in a process of co-creation and sharing of ideas. How is it possible that we still doubt the power of the collective?

When we are faced with adversities, we often react by diving into the problems, into a spiral of searching for solutions, without looking at the global, the whole forest. We focus only on the trees and on what we have to solve immediately. We don't listen to the voice of the client. We don't even think about asking for help. As if this were a sign of weakness. But this is totally out of line with today. And never has teamwork, with the active participation of all stakeholders, made so much sense. The solution for Tourism has to be global.


"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" is an expression that can summarize some of the benefits of the co-creation process: the perceptions of different elements generate new ideas, insights, and results, generating creative and innovative solutions; there is a reduction in costs and greater flexibility in the execution of processes, with a faster response and greater knowledge, and networking translates into a competitive advantage for the company and the teams.

The principle of co-creation is based on the optimization of talent and resources available to solve various challenges. Therefore, all teams will also be more involved and committed to the solution.

But how to start implementing the co-creation process in your company and/or team?

For a medium complexity issue, start by inviting some of your stakeholders (different employees from various areas, suppliers, partners, and even customers) to search for a solution. Involve your company in a professionally mediated Design Thinking process, and above all commit to these premises:

. Detachment from preconceived ideas and implemented concepts

. An open mind to all new knowledge and absorption

. Develop the five dimensions of the human personality: openness to new experiences, conscientiousness, extroversion, amiability, and emotional stability

. Stimulate creativity, without limits

Let the ideas flow and certainly, the answers and results will come

The mindset of Design Thinking will bring many advantages in solving questions and challenges. And even if you don't immediately understand all the steps, or how to apply the tools immediately, it will be an excellent starting point to start provoking a positive change in your company's culture. Especially in People. It will bring a greater involvement of everyone and a sense of belonging. By participating in the construction of the solution, there will also be a greater commitment.

If in one week, 12 people who didn't know each other, created three fantastic solutions for an ambitious challenge, imagine what you can achieve with all your stakeholders towards a common goal of success. 

Embrace this challenge... New realities demand new ways of thinking and acting.

We know that we are all already focused on the long-awaited recovery of Tourism, but we want to alert you to something: the guarantee of financial sustainability of companies in the medium and long term. Do not work only for immediate profit. You may feel that you are succeeding now, but you may also be compromising your future.