Please Disturb Tourism Experts

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In a month when all over the world (or almost all, unfortunately) the Gay Pride month is celebrated, we remember the importance of Tourism as an inclusive industry. Without making any differentiation of color, race, ethnicity, nationality, and sexual preference. An industry that has the responsibility to promote equality, fairness, and freedom. Of all, for all. With respect. Without exception. But are you really prepared to receive LGBT tourism?

In this month several marches and demonstrations are usually organized where members of the LGBT community and all those who want to join, come together to celebrate love and equality between all genders. Tomorrow, June 28th is Gay Pride Day. The origin of this date is due to one of the most remarkable episodes in the struggle of the gay community for their rights: the Stonewall Inn Rebellion. In 1969, a revolt and riot were started by this community against the mistreatment and abuse of the police who invaded the bars in New York that were frequented by homosexuals. From this moment on, new protests, also involving local communities, spread through several American cities in favor of homosexual rights. The 1st Gay Pride Parade was organized the following year (1970), to remember and strengthen the movement to fight against prejudice. And it has been organized ever since.

In Lisbon, this year, it was supposed to take place on June 19, but due to current circumstances, it ended up being canceled. But we bring its motto here:

"Deconfining rights, dispelling prejudices"

Is this how we act also in Tourism? With tolerance and respect for all, without discrimination. We want to believe so. Even because the LGBT Tourism market has been registering considerable increases in recent years. According to data from WTO, World Tourism Organization, the LGBT community has about 180 million tourists per year all over the planet. They represent 10% of the total volume of international tourists, generating 185 billion dollars each year in their activities.

How then can your company respect and accept this market, offering them the same level of excellence and hospitality as everyone else?

_ understand the LGBTQ community before you try to capture this group. Attend conferences/webinars or even choose to take a course, for example, at IGLTA (the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association).

_ align your business with other LGBTQ-friendly businesses nearby to improve your products and services.

_ train all staff on how to promote equality and how they should adapt their behaviors, as well as respect all customers

_ they are customers like everyone else, so you should pay attention to their individual preferences. some general characteristics: more dynamic and adventurous travel, they look for unique and original products and offers, they look for excellent service, they are brand loyalists, ...

_ same-sex marriages: a growing market and Portugal as a desirable destination

_ get LGBTQ tourists to write reviews or stories about your product or service to bring in new tourists. Like all other tourists, LGBTQ tourists also follow reviews and recommendations.

_ have a marketing and communication strategy for this segment all year round.

_ go visit an LGBTQ event or festival near you to meet potential customers and promote your business. IGLTA has a calendar that lists most of these events.

In an increasingly diverse world, it is exactly the differences that complement and unite us. It makes no sense to have any kind of discrimination. Diversity promotes equality. Have you ever thought if we all liked yellow?

PS - we share the excellent work done by Variações, a Portuguese LGTI Trade and Tourism Association that brings together more than 60 companies as a non-profit business association supporting the economic empowerment of the LGBTI community in Portugal.