Please Disturb Tourism Experts

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Photo Tim Mossholder

Do you really know your teams? Do your employees really know your company?

In any business or brand, we immediately try to make the purchase or consumer journey and focus our work on optimizing each of these phases. There are several possible journey mappings, but in Tourism, we like to consider the following:

Buyer Process Journey | Awareness; Consideration, Decision and Purchase

Consumer Journey | Discovery; Consideration, Purchase, Retention and Advocacy

But isn't there a journey so or even more important, that companies sometimes neglect? How many companies really invest in the Employee Journey?

Phases are similar and honestly, the answers to create the Best Employee Experience are also very easy to implement. All it takes is a focus on what is important.


  1. Attraction/Recruitment | Clarity in the job to be performed and in the culture of the company. Does he/she have the same cultural fit?

  2. Onboarding / Training | Integration. Organizational climate. Lines of relationship. Feedback

  3. Development | Constant training (technical and human skills). Follow-up. Innovation.

  4. Retention/Promotion | Career plan. Opportunities. Mentoring. Benefits. Recognition.

  5. Separation | Importance of exit interviews. Networking with former colleagues. Recommendation.

Practices to create the best employee experience*:


Alignment between employees' needs and the company's needs. Know who are your employees, what are their difficulties are and how the company can contribute in a more positive way to the quality of life beyond the workplace.


Communication, values, corporate culture. Expand visibility throughout the organization (company and employees). There should be no doubt about the purpose of the company. Clear lines of communication.


Eliminate activities and information that add no value in simplifying processes and routines. Efficiency. Ability to innovate and receive feedback. Involvement.


Align employees' experiences with the organization's culture and values. A genuine concern of the company with the well-being of each employee. Adding benefits and added values beyond remuneration.


Active feedback and listening from both sides, for full understanding. Flexibility for employees and companies to share information and change attitudes.

We remind you that "It is not the customers who come first, it is the employees. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers" (Richard Branson)

*Source: IBM Institute for Business Value