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Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Disney is a brand that nurtures dreams. Just like traveling.

But to feed all dreams, Disney is based on a chain of excellence that we can transpose to Tourism. Quality service means paying attention to details and exceeding customer expectations, whether external or internal. People are at the center of decisions. Disney's excellence starts with excellence in leadership... as it should be in Tourism.

The management model established by Disney is based on four pillars:

1. Excellence in Leadership

At Disney, they believe that each leader has the opportunity to serve as an example for future generations. The way they lead tells the story about their values and creates a legacy of leadership. Some of the values these leaders uphold focus on integrity, honesty, diversity, courage, respect, transparency and a good work-life balance.

2. Cast Excellence

The employees at Disney are referred to as the cast, just like in the movies. The teams are the protagonists, and it is on them that the success of the brand depends. That is why they are treated exactly the same as the customers, with full attention to detail. The company invests in their training so that each employee has the autonomy to perform at their best, with empowerment. Each employee knows exactly the importance of his or her role in the unfolding of the story. The company culture is very strong.

3. Guest Satisfaction

Disney doesn't have customers, it has guests. There is a focus on an emotional connection with the brand. People need to feel perfection, in meticulous attention to detail. In unique customization, resulting from a constant restlessness. This restlessness makes the company get out of its comfort zone and generate unique value propositions. It turns its clients into followers and makes them fall in love with the brand. There is a critical eye to exceed the needs of its guests. And the corporate culture spills over to the outside.

4.Results/repetition - loyalty

For there to be a constant evolution, everything is measured, tested, qualified, and if necessary revised. Disney seeks to maintain consistency in excellence and as such uses different external and internal indicators to measure satisfaction levels. Excellence is directly associated with the ability to set a benchmark for execution or production/delivery. For consistency to be achieved, it is necessary that the established standard is non-negotiable.

We often hear "the fantastic world of Disney, where anything can happen". And we believe that exactly the same can happen in Tourism, whatever your role.

We, therefore, invite you to do an exercise: replace the name Disney with the name of your company and be duly prepared to make the magic happen. And we remind you that this magic only happens with People at the center of all decisions.