Please Disturb Tourism Experts

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Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

It's still not very usual, when we think about the leadership of a company or brand, to think about the legacy we intend to leave. But that was exactly the question we took into our breakout period, a year after we started Please Disturb. What impact did we want to start having right away, and what legacy do we want to leave? And the answer was immediate: REGENERATIVE TOURISM. We can't wait any longer, it has to be NOW.

Our purpose is to educate to bring about a change towards Creative and Regenerative Tourism. And although all our actions were always with this purpose in mind, we felt that the intensity was not being enough. We realized that the urgency of the moment demands from us an even greater dedication and the construction of what we have always defended: a joint effort and a global solution. It was then, during these days when we just let our imagination flow, that we took some decisions. We stopped, analyzed, and reflected. We did that process that we so often ask companies to have the coolness and courage to do.

We started by letting go of everything that was taking us away from our purpose. We eliminated all the processes that once made sense, but now only limit us. We reviewed all work methodologies and looked for ways to optimize resources and reduce costs.

As we felt lighter, we could then have the clarity to realize what made sense to keep or recreate. Always articulating our 3 pillars - strategy, people, and sustainability - we defined our path, getting closer to our essence: co-create with creativity and regenerate.


We are 100% committed to a philosophy of constant innovation through empathy processes. Of working in an ecosystem rather than an ego-system. We absorb from the outside, to co-create and then pass back to the outside. Nothing makes more sense to us than to follow the DESIGN THINKING process and absorb its entire philosophy. It has already entered our DNA, and it is here to stay. We want to be carriers of this philosophy and share all the advantages it can bring to all leaders (not forgetting that we consider that everyone can be a leader).


Never has leadership efficiency been so necessary as it is today. There is no longer any room for traditional management, with heavy hierarchies and cultures closed in on themselves. WE ARE ALL LEADERS. WE ALL HAVE A PURPOSE. And only with the alignment between both will companies achieve their positioning and differentiation in the market. A healthy corporate culture is needed, with involvement and a sense of belonging from each of its employees. PEOPLE must be part of the solution, not a problem. The happiness and well-being of teams must be analyzed. The GNH (Gross Internal Happiness) has to be part of the maps of all manager leaders.


Sustainability is the new digital. It can no longer be considered a trend or something optional, it has to be part of all decisions, in all its amplitude: socio-cultural, economic, and environmental. Conscious decisions. The management of the global impact has to start locally and therefore more than sustainability, we advocate regeneration. Integration of all forms of tourism into local communities. A GOOD PLACE TO VISIT MUST FIRST BE A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. Circular Economy. Conscious Capitalism. We no longer believe in any other way.

And in infinite and circular energy, we will integrate these six components in the development of two projects:

Making THOR ACADEMY accessible for everyone.

Creating a community of ELEPHANT FOOTPRINTS for Regenerative Tourism.

We couldn't be surer of our path, nor happier with what we are developing. We hope you will join us on this side. The challenge will be huge, but the path will certainly pay off...