Please Disturb Tourism Experts

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Photo by Emilio Garcia on Unsplash

Aristotle already said so. On March 20th we celebrated the World Happiness Day and Portugal climbed two positions in the ranking of the happiest countries in the world. We now occupy the 58th position. And how is the happiness index of tourism workers at this moment?

The analysis of the Happiness Index, prepared by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, considered a new factor that influenced this year's result: the pandemic of the new coronavirus. Covid-19 directly affected the general perception of happiness. None of us could remain indifferent to this past year. Everything has changed, an entire reality that we once knew as normal has altered. And the world of Tourism is no exception, both in demand and supply. With a forced stoppage with high damage in companies, it is necessary to review forms of management and leadership. We now realize that much of what we were doing, was wrong. That the price we were paying for the pre-pandemic results, was too high.

But it is in these crises that the best opportunities also arise. Provided we have an open mindset to recognize and embrace them. And one of the biggest changes is the role of People in the organization of companies. This economic fragility that we are experiencing cannot be overcome with the same means that we used before. Even because the tourist is not the same anymore. New mentalities, new leaderships, new business models need to be implemented for sustainable development in Tourism.

People have to become the center of decisions. Their well-being in the workplace has to be on the management charts, like any other performance indicator. All leaders face enormous challenges in maintaining a balance between the financial health of the company and the health of their teams. This balance can only be achieved if companies humanize themselves.

Companies led by a Purpose, rather than managed by profit.

Sustainability is the new digital. Every decision has an impact. A global impact.

Conscious capitalism. Circular Economy. Doughnut economy. Everything is related.

New value propositions have to be built. Not based on supply but underpinned by consumer needs. Moving from Eco-system to Ego-system.

Facing a complex reality (VUCA, MUVUCA or BANI, as you wish to adopt), anti-fragile business models have to be built, that can benefit from instability and disorder. Tourism doesn't just need to be resilient; it needs to regenerate and evolve quickly. Constantly.

Happiness at work has to stop being a utopia. It is a right, in a commitment between company and employees and employees and company.

Regenerative Tourism. Our premise. We cannot continue to build a Tourism that is imposed. At this moment, each of the Tourism agents has the responsibility to leave the place better than they found it. Tourism must have the capacity to regenerate.

On March 20, spring also began, a season of blossoming. With new hopes, with new breath, with positive energy to keep us going. May this date also mark a new blooming of Tourism. We don't need to do more, just do it better.