Please Disturb Tourism Experts

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In a completely atypical year when data was reversed in Tourism - demand is now much lower than supply - how can your brand, your hotel, your restaurant, or a destination be chosen by consumers over other options.


As the wording suggests, it comes first in your mind. It is the brand that is most remembered by consumers in each segment. It does not imply that they are market leaders, although this relationship often exists, but they will certainly be the reference in their niche and in the related and parallel areas where they operate.

Two examples:

if you feel like going to a good vegetarian restaurant, what is the first place that comes to mind? The answer will be the top of mind brand.

If you are more concerned about your environmental footprint when you do tourism, what hotel do you think you will stay? Surely you will remember a hotel that advocates sustainable policies for the environment. The hotel you remember will be a "top of mind" brand.

Faced with a reduction in international markets and a dependence on a fragile and insecure local market, the emotional relationship and bond between the client and the brand become even more necessary. It is the first stage and one of the most crucial in a loyalty process.

And for this to happen, it is necessary presence, recognition, and empathy of consumers. It is a thorough work of branding and brand awareness of each company in its sector.


We have listed here, what we consider to be 6 essential steps for any company in this people to people industry, to excel in its positioning:

1. Know the market and the competition

What is your market consumption patterns and future trends? Analyze how your competitors act, how they communicate, and capture the market.

What are the preferred destinations? Are vegetarian dishes a fashion or a trend to stay?

2. We go back to your company's WHY

Why your company exists, what is its purpose. Consistency, credibility. Delivery of perceived value. Creating relationships.

If you promote your hotel as "family-friendly" the whole culture of the company must be oriented to this purpose.

3. Know your persona

Who are your market segments and how do they behave? Your positioning has to be in line with the audience they want to reach.

There's no point in designing strategies that define your brand as inclusive and sustainable if your audience doesn't embrace these same values.

4. Offer quality products and services

The quality perceived by the client will be what will remain in his memory. Never sacrifice quality over cost, the price to pay later will be much higher.

The dishes on your menu are not just for eating. You must be able to have the best ingredients to provoke the best sensations.

5. Define a sustainable strategy

It is an imperative condition for success that your strategy is aligned on marketing, sales, and revenue management.

The client will be confused if he sees a significant reduction in the prices of his accommodation when in his advertising sells an almost unattainable luxury...

6. Invest in Branding and Communication

Communicate, communicate, communicate! Telling stories to be retold. Create images to be shared. Be proud to shout your brand name out loud. Be part of your customers' daily lives.

A destination must make us dream awake and make us travel with our minds.

Do you want your brand to be remembered? Do you want your company to be the first to be selected? Then work for People! Create connections and develop a LOVE BRAND.