Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

On Portugal's day, June 10th, we celebrate our first anniversary. It is no coincidence that we chose this date. We are passionate about our country. Nor is it a coincidence that we are now launching a 100-day plan when this is normally done at the beginning of a project. But we don't always follow normality. So why now?

Throughout this year Please Disturb has been building itself. In our Design Thinking mindset, we can conclude that this year we are in the first two stages of the process: empathy and definition. We started with only two certainties:

_ that it will be a project and a brand of People for People, in a model of co-creation and radical collaboration, 100% sustainable

_ what our purpose is (which also evolved): to educate to provoke a change towards a Regenerative Creative Tourism.

In a period of total instability and uncertainty, we developed several research processes to find the personas with which we could generate real empathy. We realized where the biggest challenges for Tourism after the pandemic were being built, where the "wicked problems" would be. More than solutions, we focused on identifying and building the real problems and challenges that represent a new reality, present, and future.

We were developing empathy maps for the different stakeholders in Tourism and understanding their needs and pains. Their weaknesses, which may also condition the future. We don't believe in a new normal, but in an awakening and awareness that was abruptly imposed on us, but from which we will have to try to take the best opportunities. As we have always done in every crisis: with resilience and determination.

But we also reached another conclusion: we don't have to do more, we have to do better, in an integrative process, in a global and joint solution. We don't have to do everything alone.


Always with a totally open mind, a beginner's mind. Questioning everything, taking nothing for granted. Our anniversary served to collect ourselves and reflect. To move on now to the process of ideation, of generating solutions to the different challenges and problems we have identified. To create our path, the one we believe in. And this is where our 100 Days, 8 Projects Plan comes in.

Perhaps we may think that we are being too ambitious when we want to follow with 8 different projects, but we can't dissociate them. They are all interconnected, it makes sense that they all follow simultaneously. Possibly at different speeds, but in a circular and interdependent model, sustained equally on our foundations - co-creation and collaboration - and on our pillars: People, Planet, Income, and Purpose.

It will be 100 days where over time we will also reapply the mindset of design thinking. New realities call for new ways of thinking and acting.

What problems do we propose to solve? What is the basis of the solutions we will generate? Why do we use the 100-day model?

All this you will have to discover with us ....

We are confident in our path. We start today, June 14 the first of 100 days that we believe, above all, will be days of much sharing, learning, and personal and professional enrichment. In a continuous process of growth. And we also believe, with the same strength, that these projects will only succeed and continue if we can continue to count on the support of each one of you. Each one of the People who have accompanied us has given us the certainty that Please Disturb Tourism Experts makes sense to continue to prove its impact on Tourism.

More than the usual weekly reflection, today we share certainties: we know who we are, what our purpose is, where we want to go and what we want to achieve and leave as a legacy.

Moving further…