EMPATHY, SAVIOR FROM THERE AND TOURISM; another unlikely combination... or not

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali

EM.PA.THY in its simplest meaning means to put oneself in the shoes of others, trying to act or think in the same way as that person would think or act in the same circumstances. In leadership, it means to lead considering the team in the first place. We need leadership with empathy in Tourism. Now and in the future…

The German term Einfühlung was used in the aesthetic sense for the first time in the early 20th century by the German psychologist Theodor Lipps (1851-1914) "to indicate the relationship between the artist and the spectator who projects himself into the work of art. The term comes from the Greek EMPATHEIA, formed by EN-, "in", plus PATHOS, "emotion, feeling" and Aristotle used the term "em-pathein" in the sense of "animation of the inanimate".

And we could follow throughout history and how Empathy has always had a very deep meaning in the arts, in the connection between human beings and their survival. Today, we put empathy in team leadership as an imperative, not only to overcome the present moment but also to deal with the uncertainties of the future.

Some characteristics of authentic empathy are compassion, understanding, wisdom, altruism, and honesty; all of them necessary for a true leader. Showing respect and understanding for the feelings of your employees is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it reveals a high emotional intelligence.

Empathy is a skill that every good leader must-have. It helps in good communication with the team, improving everyone's performance at work, regardless of the position they occupy or the function they perform. Taking into consideration each one of your employees, being close to them, and understanding what motivates them, what their desires, beliefs, and values are, makes everyone work in tune.

As a result, the sum of the parts ends up generating better results than working individually, considerably increasing productivity. Dealing with a team is dealing with the diversity of each one of its elements, accepting and respecting the differences, trying to create harmony.

This does not mean that one idea is better than another: by putting ourselves in each one's place, analyzing how we got to a certain point, we can have great surprises and a new vision and approach to situations.

So how can we be empathic in Tourism, with all stakeholders without exception?

_ always put PEOPLE at the center of all decisions. The companies are the PEOPLE, Tourism is the PEOPLE, so PEOPLE should be treated as a company's most precious asset

_ observe the behavior of your employees. Try to understand their motivations and desires. Try to create links of mutual respect and trust.

_ know how to listen to understand and not to respond. Practice active listening in a positive way.

_ express your concerns whenever appropriate. Many leaders only worry about delegating, without explaining the objectives and the reasons for some decisions

_ develop a sense of belonging, and involve employees in the growth and evolution of the company. Make your work meaningful, so they feel they are part of something, in a team

COLLABORATION, in what is a true team spirit and the development of collaborative relationships that benefit all the surrounding parties, with justice and equality

Tourism has to promote EMPATHY and work in a CIRCULAR ECONOMY. It has to rebuild itself respecting PEOPLE, ENVIRONMENT, and COMMUNITIES.

We must create the basis for REGENERATIVE TOURISM and now is our opportunity to do it together. #restartTourism