As we approach an upturn in tourism, it is normal that companies begin to implement more dynamic marketing and communication plans to attract customers and position themselves in the market. But what about your internal customer? Have you defined the plan for attraction, retention, and satisfaction in the different stages of the Customer Journey?

Customer Journey is a concept that is already being addressed in companies when defining their strategy and objectives. But there is another journey that companies should give as much or more importance to, the employee journey, which is directly related to the Employee Experience. The current moment will have had a different impact on each of their employees, so it is urgent to understand how the teams are doing, and how we should act in their return, in integration in a new reality and in their performances.

The Employee Experience is the sum of all the perceptions and feelings that professionals experience in their different interactions with the company. In reality, it is the result of a complete journey of the employees in the companies, and that goes through the following phases:

Selection process;

  • Hiring;

  • Onboarding (integration process);

  • Training and development;

  • Growth (promotions and career advancement);

  • Outplacement (dismissal and outplacement process).

In each of these phases, based on an IBM study, the experience for the employee should include five criteria:

  1. Sense of Belonging: feeling an integral part of a team and especially of an organizational culture with which one identifies in its values and beliefs.

  2. Clear definition of objectives: understanding the dimension and importance of the performance of their functions, as well as the impact of their performance on the company's development.

  3. Accomplishment: is the feeling of accomplishment at work, of duty fulfilled, by completing activities, and having a good performance.

  4. Happiness and Well-Being: is the level of satisfaction and pleasure at work, consisting of emotional interaction with the organization. A sense of trust, of support and sharing. Of knowing that even on less positive days, the company will be our support.

  5. Motivation: is the energy and willingness of the employee to offer his best for the business objectives, in addition to resilience in the face of difficulties.

But how do we implement a good EX?

. Measure the temperature of your teams: listen and get to know your employees. Try to understand their emotional state, their professional and personal aspirations, ... How do they feel about the company?

. Design and identify all the processes of the employee journey. Analyze each of the phases and try to understand how you can improve the experience and the whole workflow.

. Develop a positive, sharing company culture with accessible, two-way communication channels. Ensure that the company has clear, honest, and effective communication where everyone can contribute and give feedback.

. Prepare the leaders. Team leadership has huge challenges today. Make sure your leaders have all the necessary tools for effective leadership and the motivation needed to lead teams in these more challenging times.

. Create an EX (employee experience) program, with an incentive system, with growth opportunities, empowerment, constant innovation, ... Measure the results of all actions.

. EMOTIONAL WAGE: Go a little further than a monetary wage. Understand how you can compensate your employees with shares, salary supplements, and other ways to ensure greater satisfaction and well-being.

The key to Employee Experience is to treat your employees as if they were your best customer and invest in them to provide the best positive experiences. Have you already started designing your internal strategy?