Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

But there's no need to shout... Social distancing or a layoff regime that many companies have been forced to do in order to survive does not mean that we will stop communicating. On the contrary, we will have to communicate even better, with a more genuine and truer message to all stakeholders.

Despite the challenges of the moment, the leaders of tourism companies will have to maintain serenity and a positive spirit in communication as well. As we have already mentioned here, in essence, the term "leadership" is related to the ability to influence people, to lead them towards a certain goal. Motivating teams. Maintaining unity and a sense of belonging. If in other times this harmony already requires some skills, when we have opposing factors like distance, teams at home, uncertainty in the future, and great instability in the present, now it seems like a superpower. And this is where communication gains even greater relevance.

Leaders are the main channel of communication in companies, inside and outside. Communication is the mirror of organizational culture and is reflected in the management process. So, if the leaders of an organization, of a team, do not communicate effectively, clearly, and honestly, the company will certainly not communicate very well inside and outside. And this will have less positive consequences.


But how to communicate in a correct way, with impact and in this context that Tourism lives? Among the many characteristics that a leader should have, we list the 6 main communication skills:

1. Know how to listen

It is not by chance that we list active listening as the first competence, as it is undoubtedly the most important. Professional listening skills include listening to the message, listening to any emotions behind the message, and considering relevant questions about the message. When you listen to your team you learn what the main challenges are. Most importantly, you will show people that you care, because it takes time to hear their point of view. Listening to understand, not to respond

2. Empathy

If listening is important, being an empath has the same relevance. Replace ego with empathy. Empathic communicators demonstrate a level of authenticity and transparency that is not present in those who choose to communicate behind a carefully crafted façade, sustained by a very fragile ego.

3. Clarity and knowledge

Keep your messages clear and make sure that what you transmit it will be what is perceived to avoid future misunderstandings. Be fully aware of the subject you are talking about. Be honest and genuine. Be specific. But also know how to ask questions when in doubt.

4. Open mind (including possible changes)

The rigidity of a closed mind is the greatest limiting factor of new opportunities. Open dialogues with those who confront, challenge and develop you. Remember that it is not an opinion that matters, but the will to discuss it with an open mind and to learn so that everyone can evolve.

5. Personalization

Even speaking to groups, customize your message. Do not use generalist templates. Stop issuing corporate communications and start having organizational conversations - think in dialogue and not in monologue. The more personal and engaging the conversation, the more effective it will be.

6. Positive non-verbal communication

All employees closely observe their leaders. Even if you have just received bad news, act positively and inspire confidence. An additional note: also observe the non-verbal language of those listening to you. Often, some of the most important signs that people will give you are not spoken.

Summarizing, you will have to COMMUNICATE WITH EMOTION

It is known that from the first moments of life we capture messages and what connects us is emotion. Management will only bear good fruit if the speech is frank, clear, objective, timely, and balanced even in the way we manage emotions. The ability to balance your and others’ emotions will lead us to achieve or not achieve the desired goals.

And all this without forgetting... that in addition to communicating, we will always have to act in accordance with what we say. Being genuine in thought and action. Only this way, we will be able to be a true leader…