Imagem de Tumisu por Pixabay

Imagem de Tumisu por Pixabay

Recent times have made the mask already one of the daily props that we should wear. But it's no use trying to protect ourselves only with an outer mask if we don't take care of our own inner mask. Protecting ourselves, body, and mind; seeking our balance in these unstable times, preserving our well-being and mental health. Taking care of ourselves is not selfish. It is investing in ourselves, and this is, without a doubt, the best investment we can make.


The last weeks reveal in the most intense way the instability that we still live in Tourism, and the huge uncertainty about the future. The seas are turbulent again, and once more, we are not all in the same boat. Whether we are working, still on layoff, or leading a business, the complexity of the moment, even with different experiences, is enormous, making us fragile and more susceptible to breaks in energy and vitality. To a lower quality of life.

So don't just remember to put on the outer mask. Remember above all to create an inner mask that protects you and makes you stronger and more resilient in the present moment and prepared for the future. Be it in your personal or professional life. And these are small steps in daily discipline, which will help you to be able to find your balance. You don't need to be happy all the time but look for a mask of well-being, between body and mind, that allows you to be in harmony.

For Tourism professionals, regardless of the position they occupy, it is fundamental that we

1. Become self-aware. Self-knowledge

Know your limits and your strengths. Know how to analyze your emotions, so you can deal with them in the best way, without always reacting. Numerous challenges will arise every day, but their impact is not on the size of those challenges, but on how you react to them. Accept that you can't and don't have to control everything. And ask for help. This is a sign of intelligence, not weakness. Work on your strengths and, complement your weaknesses with other people who share the same values and ideals.

2. Practice positive thinking 

Martin Seligman, father of positive psychology argues that "a person who keeps his focus on positive thoughts and situations is more likely to become happy, even in the midst of mental disorders and natural day-to-day difficulties." Although Tourism has brought all its players great challenges, maintaining a positive attitude towards situations, having positive dialogues with yourself, and believing that it is still possible, will be key to being able to create the resilience needed to get through this phase.  Self-confidence.

3. Don't neglect your health, vital and mental

Create inner immunity: good diet, rest, and exercise. To be able to deal with potentially high levels of stress or to have the strength to motivate your teams, you have to feel good. And that means taking care of your body in a healthy way. So does taking care of your mind. Don't be always on. The best performances are not associated with the number of hours we work, but with what we produce. And that productivity comes from "deep work", focus on your tasks, one by one, without distractions. Multitasking is no longer fashionable. Avoid burnout by listening to your body's signals. When it asks you to rest, stop. Recover energies, and then continue.

4.  Set aside some time in your agenda for yourself every day

And make this commitment unavoidable. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as it gives you pleasure and makes you feel good. Like that breath of fresh air that will relieve you of the pressure. Make this appointment in your calendar and don't miss it. Live this moment, in the present. Mindfulness.

5.           Practice critical analysis and keep an open mind

Reality as we know it has been changing. Learn to analyze these changes, accept them, and integrate them into your own business and the way you do your job. Develop a culture of continuous learning, with an open mind to new ideas. Creativity. Innovation. Listen to your customers and learn to deal with new trends and even new business models. As Darwin said, the species that survives is the one that adapts. The same is true for business or the way we do our work. Manage with a future vision of business sustainability. Lead by building a business culture that supports that same sustainability, putting people at the center of the decisions.

6.  Don't be alone

The Tourism solution must be global. In processes of collaboration and mutual help. And this works, both at the individual and team level. Both at a personal level and at a company level. Develop and create a networking network that works as a support network for different situations. Share to also receive. Beyond family and friends, develop collaborative networks that support each other and promote the growth of companies together. This has to be a way forward for Tourism.


When reading all these points, everything may seem too obvious. But if we analyze our daily lives, we will probably find many situations where we can do a little better. Not to compete with others, but to be a little better than the day before.

Tourism is coming back and travel is already a necessity. Awaken that passion that has always kept you going until today and work every day for a purpose. We will be leaders again, very soon, even if we have to keep our masks on.