Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash


Any team leader must have the ability to promote positive communication.

And when we talk about positive communication, we are referring to communication through a clear, honest, empathetic messages and without forgetting the person we are talking to and the goal we have with the message we are conveying.

In order for all these elements to be aligned we will need to work on the following points:

1. Create empathy

2. Be authentic

3. Show respect

4. Pay attention to nonverbal communication

5. Have a simple and objective language

6. Ask for feedback and be willing to ask questions

7. Know your audience. For each profile, a type of speech

8. Practice active listening (never interrupt who is talking)

9. Avoid endless meetings, bring innovation and creativity with a set schedule and objectives

10. Choose the correct communication channel

Remember: it is not what you say that matters, but what the other will understand.

"The biggest problem with communication is that we don't listen to understand, we listen to respond"