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Will Tourism reopen considering Sustainability? There is no other option…

Environmental sustainability and good practices for preserving the environment were the hottest topics of discussion, in a global context, before the whole situation with Covid-19 emerged. Overtourism was also a word often heard, with a negative connotation and for which solutions were trying to be found. Ironically, and due to the pandemic, in a short period of time, some of the environmental impacts have decreased, the air has become cleaner, species have returned to their habitats and Tourism has disappeared.

However, this 'positive' environmental situation may only be temporary if, when we return to business, we haven’t learned anything from the mistakes made in the past. The challenges of balancing the economy of Tourism with environmental concerns do not have an easy answer, but any company to ensure success will have to adopt a sustainable policy, that guarantees the quality of the future (and of the Tourism) for the upcoming generations.

Environmental problems and challenges have already been widely discussed and identified, and Covid-19 has reminded us and reinforced the idea that we are all connected. The only solution needs to be working together to the same goal. Investments need to be made now, so that in the future, in the mid and long term, tourism and businesses can have a competitive advantage, profitability and cost-efficient management.

Start with the foundations

Before moving forward with any action plan, you will need to integrate sustainable policies into your macro strategy, involving all teams and define the purpose and reasons why the company is adopting each practice. It can't just be a "trendy thing"; it has to make sense. Even if there are no financial resources to implement the plan, teams can start designing the structure based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed by the UN. Analyze which are the most relevant in the history and operations of the company, involve the teams and define the final and intermediate objectives, step by step.

Human Sustainability

No plan or strategy will work, especially in the Tourism industry, if there is no investment in the main and most important asset of the companies: People! Motivation, involvement, sense of belonging and constant training are essential to ensure the sustainability of any business.

Review your list of suppliers

Take advantage of this time to evaluate your suppliers’ policies and negotiate with them if necessary. Confirm that they are also aligned with sustainable practices. And above all: consume local products. Be part of a national collaborative economy.

Redesign your menus (hotels and restaurants)

Following the selection of your suppliers, challenge the creativity of your Chefs. Evaluate all production phases, analyze environmental impacts and cost reduction. Reinvent and diversify your offer.

Include sustainability in your budget and future investments.

It makes no sense to define policies and an action plan if managers and investors do not take them into account on their own plans. Implementation has associated costs, and these must be considered in budgets and investment plans if sustainability is to be sustained.

Get a certificate

Communicating sustainability is also important and the best way is through a certification that ensures safety and credibility. Biosphere Portugal is a possibility and is available for the different players in Tourism.

This content was written based on the article by Alex Sogno, CEO - Senior Hotel Asset Manager of Global Asset Solutions