Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

We have all heard it said, especially recently: "happy workers are more productive". Yes, that is true. But the concept of Happiness can be misunderstood, and we will not delude ourselves: we cannot always be happy. Neither at work nor in our lives.

More important than happiness is: WELLBEING!

Associating well-being with work is a common goal for anyone and a challenge for human resources professionals in any company. How to adapt the interests of the business to a philosophy of life and work that motivates and makes employees feel good about their role in the company?

Tal Ben-Sharar*, summarizes it in 4 words: FOCUS ON WHAT WORKS.

We don't consider happiness as a momentary emotional state as fun or pleasure or teams always smiling. Nor do we believe that happiness can be achieved only with a flow of positive experiences. For us, happiness at work includes a sense of well-being, even in those days when we are not happy and emotions such as sadness, frustration, or stress dominate. Although it is not ideal for these more challenging emotions to last too long and be nurtured, or to have too much influence on how we think, often the situations in which they occur are those which nourish our deepest sense of purpose and draw us into meaningful contact with others.

And to have that permanent sense of wellbeing, the first alignment that must exist between employees, companies, and society is a PURPOSE. Employees must identify with the essence of the company and its values must be similar. Companies should look for people aligned with their purposes and the market also looks for brands that are aligned with what they believe Our purpose is a reflection of our core values, and we feel more involved in the work when our daily behaviors and decisions are aligned with those values. We do not want to perform a role. We want to make a difference in the world, we want to transform societies, we want to feel that we have a life of meaning. And we can build all that,

At Please Disturb, we work the WELL BEING in Tourism companies, always having as an imperative basis for success - LEADERS WITH A PURPOSE - that create healthier business environments, with values and a clear, honest, and coherent culture for all stakeholders. We base the construction of Corporate Happiness programs on the following pillars:

Good corporate culture

Involvement and Sense of Belonging

Motivation & Co-creation


Emotional Salary

We are all leaders

Autonomy and Growth


Summarizing, Corporate Happiness actually involves feeling a general sense of pleasure at work; being able to deal graciously with setbacks; connecting friendly with your superiors, co-workers, customers, suppliers; and knowing that your work is important to yourself, your organization, and the society you belong to.

We need to have a job that challenges us, motivates us, a positive environment to awaken a sense of belonging to each of the individuals in the organization.

The world is constantly changing and 2020 has forced a halt to Tourism and a need for a new management approach. We all have to adapt and reinvent ourselves. Technology has become essential and the digital world has come, and is about to come, in a transformation of all processes and even forms of relationships of individuals and teams. But it is the people who make all this happen. And there's at least one certainty, we don't want to work for wages alone anymore, waiting for Fridays and holidays to be "happy".

Over the coming weeks, we will be addressing the different areas of Happiness and Wellness in Business, especially in the Tourism industry, which faces considerable challenges.

* Tal Ben-Sharar

Israeli, guru of happiness, former professor of Positive Psychology, for some years, Tal Ben-Shahar was the professor of one of Harvard University's most popular subjects: Positive Psychology.