HAPPINESS IS NOT FOR THE INERT (we would like to present you the PERK)


This a sentence from Aristotle and today it has enormous strength. And what can we do to feel good, to feel happy, when the reality around us is not positive or with challenging circumstances like now? TAKING DECISIONS

We will repeat again that Happiness at work is not foosball in the office or team building activities. Of course, this can also be part of it, but we mainly talk about feeling a general sense of well-being at work; being able to deal with setbacks; building friendly relationships with co-workers and managers, clients, suppliers, and all partners. In fact, of knowing that our work is important for ourselves, for your organization, and beyond.

Tourism is experiencing enormous challenges and many uncertainties for the future. Most companies are fighting for their survival. But it is at these times that we distinguish leaders and above all that we make organizations and teams stronger and more resilient. And that means building a healthy corporate culture that can overcome this moment with determination, as a team, and emerge with greater dynamism and even more strength.

TO TAKE DECISIONS at this moment, for any Tourism company, involves: facing reality head-on, facing the current situation with positivism, but with an awareness of all the options and decisions that have to be taken. LOOKING FOR SOLUTIONS. See available supports, review business model, analyze processes. TO STOP is not a sign of weakness. It may be the option to survive and return stronger.

Whatever decision you make, never sacrifice PEOPLE at the expense of numbers. It is they who build the businesses, and it is they who will be able to keep them alive.

Yes,... If you have never thought about this before, now is the time to start working Happiness at Work. How? There is no single, simple answer to this question, but there are four pillars that are fundamental to its construction and which can be summed up in an acronym: PERK.

P for Purpose

E for Engagement

R for Resilience

K for Kindness


This is the essence of business. An organization "has a sense of purpose when it makes valuable contributions to others (individuals and organizations) or to society which it considers personally significant and which harm no one". (Morten Hansen, in his book Great at Work of 2018). Leaders and teams focused on working on the basis of a reflection of their core values, more intentional at work, with everyday behaviors and decisions are aligned with those values. The essence is not copyable and will be the differentiation factor of the company

(see our Purpose content on our blog)


Generate a sense of belonging in the teams and in each of the employees. Make them part of the solution and not part of the problem. To communicate clearly and honestly the real situation of the company so that they look for solutions together and work in co-creation. Generate communication flows, maintain links between teams, seek a balance in the compromises, and some sacrifices that have to be made, so that afterward they can also receive everyone in the same proportion. Being part of the process.


The ability to cope, adapt, and to learn from setbacks, failures, and disappointments is fundamental to general happiness at work. Resilience does not mean trying to avoid difficulties, stifle stress, or avoid confrontation; it means being able to manage challenges at work with authenticity and grace. And the first step is to face reality with clarity and honesty. Again, teamwork and clear communication are fundamental to building resilient teams. A positive focus on work, investment in training, balance with healthy moments of rest. Sense of collaboration


Kindness at work implies treating others with dignity and respect, extending empathy and compassion, practicing gratitude, and managing conflicts constructively. It means building trust, sharing resources, feedback, and credit, and being a good listener. Whether you are a leader, an employee, or any other partner in the company. Companies are living organisms. Companies are PEOPLE.

Although the current scenario may seem terribly negative and without a way out, leaders and teams cannot get into despair that leads them to make bad decisions or unthinking attitudes.

Stop, seek the best solutions to overcome these times, and invest in building an even stronger, more resilient, more distinctive, and above all more HUMAN company.

Tourism will return and we will all return too....