Golden Circle by Simon Sinek.

Golden Circle by Simon Sinek.


"People don't buy what a company does, they buy why the company does it."

This is one of the premises that guided Simon Sinek in his conception of the Golden Circle methodology, which aims to improve the performance of companies in the industry where they operate.

The choice of a vacation trip, the planning of an event, or even a simple lunch with friends, always has an emotional character. The ambition of any brand is to be a "top of mind" and when it is that moment of selection, to be the elected one. For that, the connection between any Tourism company and its clients must be genuine, authentic, and deliver the perceived value that differentiates it from the others. Be remembered.

This methodology proposed by Golden Circle, allows companies to approach the market in a differential way, making them competitive and always ensuring a positive impact on employees, their customers, and society in general. The work is developed on 3 fundamental questions:

WHY | Why?

Start with why. The why is the purpose, the cause, something that the organization truly believes and by which it will design its products and/or services with which its audience can identify.

The meaning must be greater than the simple sum of the components, as Guy Kawasaki says.

Kotler adds that "Brands will have to offer "meaning" and "authenticity" through new values and a new marketing vision. You have to be authentic with your purpose, to be really true with what you want to deliver".

What is your mission in your restaurant? What is the reason for your brand to exist? Why choosing your hotel is so important to someone?

When you can define your why, you must always communicate it consistently. That is when you'll be able to create that emotional connection with your customers and be in their memory at their time of selection.

HOW | How?

By answering the "how", the brand will be able to define its action plan and strategy in order to achieve the results it wants.

How will I highlight my accommodation in the market? What is the differential of the destination? What differentiates my restaurant space from the rest?

The strategy must align sales, marketing, and revenue and all its actions must be developed in unison. And once again, communicated!

WHAT | What?

It will be in this last phase that the company/brand decides what it will offer to the market. All its efforts will culminate in this phase. What does your company do? What are the activities of your business? What products and/or services do you offer?

This methodology is not only applicable to new companies that are emerging in the Tourism industry. In the face of a whole change of paradigms, forms of action, and external factors over which we have no control, it makes sense to stop for a while and re-evaluate your company and your brand, regardless of its size.

Think, Act and Communicate

Note: Simon Sinek is the author of the prestigious book "Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action" among others. Our way of working is based on the (re)construction of the identity of companies based on this methodology.