Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Never as much as today, the term VUCA can be used to define the tourism industry: volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous. External conditions change almost every day and when we think we start to see a course; something comes up to deviate us from the path again. LEADERSHIP TODAY is perhaps one of the greatest challenges for companies...

We had hoped that 2021 would bring us a new breath and finally allow us to recover. But the first days still alert us to some challenges that Tourism will have to overcome before such a longed-for recovery. The third wave of Covid-19 forces us to stop again. The survival instinct of companies increases, the uncertainties of the future decrease hope, and some fears return. Especially of employees and leaders. We are all tired, but we also that we cannot resign ourselves.

It is in these times of instability that LEADERSHIP plays a fundamental role in the continuity of any company, regardless of its size. A leader is required not only to apply all possible management methods to ensure the maintenance of the business, which in itself is already strenuous, but he also has to worry about his teams, which will be companies’ greatest resource, the guarantee of continuity.

But how will leaders manage to keep the focus and make the best decisions? Take effective care of your teams and your business? WITH PURPOSE AS FOCUS.

Maybe this wasn't the answer you expected, but it's certainly the way companies have to follow. Stop focusing on profit as the main objective and focus on what is its essence. Travelers and tourists will undoubtedly return and are eager to do so, but they too will be different: more aware, more conscious, more cautious. And companies will have to be prepared to receive them. Not only selling services/products but generating lasting and genuine connections.

And here another question arises... how to keep the teams motivated after such ambiguous times? TOURISM NEEDS LEADERS WITH A PURPOSE.

Teams need to be fully involved in the recovery of the company and each employee needs to have a sense of belonging. They need to feel good in their workplace, even if working at a distance or on layoff. They need to have confidence in the future. ALL DECISIONS HAVE TO BE MADE WITH THE PEOPLE AT THE CENTER. A company, a team, an employee, driven by a purpose, goes beyond their physical and emotional needs. We will work for something we will be identified with, on which we believe and makes us feel good about our workplace. And this is not an obligation, it's a right we all have.

And it will be that collective well-being that will create a healthy and positive business culture that will effectively contribute to the success of companies so that they stand out when Tourism begins its recovery.

How to start a leadership with purpose?

1. Look for the essence of the company, look for the reason for its existence, its WHY* and share it with all employees. Believe again that it is possible. Remember the reason why the company was created and focus on that reason to recover it stronger.

2. Connect with what is important to you, as a leader and as a professional. Take care of yourself first and then take care of your team. Understanding our values, which gives meaning to our lives, gives us the "GPS coordinates" of our purpose. So that everyone can follow aligned by something superior.

3. Connect the purpose of your teams, your employees, with the purpose of the company. Identify common values and beliefs that work the sense of belonging and individual and collective involvement.

4. Make decisions based on the purpose of the company, not only on profit. But do not confuse the path you have to follow with the goals you have to achieve. The path will always have to be based on the essence of the company, the goals should reflect that essence and ensure its survival and sustainability.

5. Focus on service! Do not focus only on prices or special offers. Tourism is an industry of people for people and travelers and tourists, more than the value they will pay, will give more importance to the experience they will receive, how much will contribute to their well-being. Remember that tourists are also tired of being at home...

6. Build this process as a team. Be flexible and learn from mistakes. Involve all teams in the recovery of the companies. Create a sense of community, where everyone will strive for a single purpose. Be genuinely concerned with the well-being of your employees because they will be the main cause of your success or failure.

If this whole process is easy... no, not at all, and requires a change of management paradigm that can often even be misunderstood initially by other stakeholders. However, the results are guaranteed. All companies that started working for a purpose have seen their performance improve and consequently the results increase**.

It's in the hands of Tourism leaders, choosing the way to go...

*Referência ao modelo do Golden Circle de Simon Sinek – Start With the Why
