No... we are not crazy; we are not even playing with serious subjects. We only talk about Circular Economy and how Tourism has to integrate into its recovery the principles that encompass it. This is the moment, not only to change to Sustainable Tourism, but also to Sustainability in Tourism.


This has always been our motto. More than Sustainable Tourism, we defend a Regenerative Tourism that works the same pillars - socio-cultural, economic, and environmental - but with a special focus and attention on the communities in which it is inserted and on PEOPLE.

For this process to happen, it is necessary to think differently about Tourism, to think about a new framework for tourism activities. All Tourism players should start defining their strategies and action plans based on conscious decisions, assessing, and questioning the purpose of their operations and the natural, social and economic impacts of their business models.

If we look at Tourism in a broader and more comprehensive way, each sector and each player in this multifaceted industry has its own connection with other industries and has a plurality and differential in the use of goods and materials, levels of service, type of customer involvement, etc. that support the bases of circularity and a potential for circular business models. The principles of Circular Economy can guide a more sustainable, resilient, and resistant tourism development to the challenges of these next years, including the UN ODS and UNWTO's Vision of a Planet*.

Although in the first perspective of analysis it is obvious to have a Circular Economy in Tourism, due to its interaction with other industries and market players and mainly in the impacts on the communities where it is inserted, the process must even start from the principle: with education of mentalities. It will also be necessary to demonstrate the financial, environmental, and social benefits of a circular tourism ecosystem, of Regenerative Tourism based on a Purpose.

New concepts will have to be introduced such as

"PROFUNDABLE COOPERATION", combining public-private collaborations of tourism stakeholders and interprofessional coalitions, even beyond tourism, for the elaboration of regional and national policies and circular economy strategies.

"VALUE COCREATION" bringing together all players and stakeholders in a sharing of common interests and for a common good, bringing together the same values and intentions. Equity.

"OPTIMIZATION OF SYSTEMS (instead of just commercial maximization)" creating processes and structures that add value in a fair manner to all direct and indirect stakeholders. Justice, equality, and a sense of responsibility for the Planet.

"LEADERSHIP GUIDED BY A PURPOSE" maintaining the authenticity of each of the destinations, of the companies, of all the intervenient. To stop managing for profit, to start leading for a purpose. The framework of Tourism needs to evolve from a 'commodity/service' only to be consumed, exploited, to become a regenerative and contributory element of natural and social reserves, communities and especially PEOPLE.

We always leave the question... is it an easy path? We are aware that it is not. But it is indeed the right path to take if we really want Tourism to become a hero and not a villain.

*Referring to Circular Economy in Travel and Tourism - White Paper