Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash

In one of Zoom's many conversations last week (not even worth talking about the fatigue of seeing people in squares), a sentence came up that made me stop and think: "when we return at least to a schizophrenic normality, maybe we can do a little more". But what normality are we talking about, for Tourism? And how do we communicate in this reality?


We still don't have the capacity to predict the future... and even if we did, given the uncertainties of the present moment, we would have many difficulties in understanding when we will be able to return to normality and what that normality would be. Perhaps that is why we have accepted the term schizophrenic normality. Not in the deep, negative sense of schizophrenia, but in an "abnormality" that we will learn to deal with.

We are back to being aimless, not knowing exactly which direction to take or which actions to activate. Or whether we should simply standstill. We again feel a distressing uncertainty and the dilution of a hope that we want to keep active, but which tests all the limits of our resilience.

It is precisely in these moments, that the purpose, has more and more relevance and can give us the answers we need. The companies that are managed by a purpose, even when facing all the market adversities will keep their focus and their essence, being more resilient. They know exactly its differentiating positioning. They know that their purpose continues to have meaning for someone.

" Purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving the higher workforce and customer satisfaction.” Delloite, 2019

We understand that in a situation of financial survival, thinking about a purpose may seem to us to be a meaningless solution, but it is exactly the opposite. By maintaining what is effectively the reason for the company's existence, we will also achieve better performance management, and consequently results.

But what about when we don't have any possibility of having results? Like now, that once again tourism has stopped.


Tourists and Visitors are also stopped, eager to travel again and (re)discover places. We all wait only when we can then return to that normality, even if schizophrenic (with all the new travel procedures and a constant alert for hygienic security). While we all wait, then why not strengthen the connections, through the common points that unite us?

Have you reminded your guests of the good sensations they feel when they stay at your accommodation? The well-being? Of those fantastic breakfasts?

It has taken visitors to past or "future" memories of how good it will be to return that walk in Nature, those lost streets of a village, the sounds and smells of a destination, ...

Have you made known everything that will await your customers the next time they visit your restaurant? New flavors. The local tradition. That dish that makes them make miles. 

Physical distance prevents us from being close, but it does not prevent us from remaining connected. And as we remain connected, we remain alive in the memories of those who know us and increase their curiosity to visit us.

Be sure to communicate your brand, with a purpose, with authenticity. Structure this new stop, taking the best management decisions for your business, but building and strengthening relationships with all your stakeholders. Take advantage of this time to go to the essence of your company and make alive your purpose, your values, and everything that effectively differentiates you from your competitors.

Stay connected, in a People-to-People industry. Don't let the soul of Tourism die, show its authenticity, so that when we progressively return to a possible normality, we can be remembered as that brand that always had a living essence.

Become a LOVE BRAND... and never stop dreaming.


Our simple tribute to Martin Luther King’s birthday, who never gave up in the face of all adversity and always kept the authenticity of his message, keeping his dream alive and making thousands believe that it would be possible