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Photo by Rawpixel

We all have a purpose within us that is the source of our passions and inspirations. We cannot even know what it is yet, nor can we express it in words, but it exists. The same goes for any Tourism company, a People to People business. Everyone will have a reason why they exist and through which they create emotional connections with their stakeholders.

If not, lasting success will not be achievable...

Business is not scientific. While we can measure some tangible things like profit, income, or expenses, there is a large part that is unpredictable, intangible, and difficult to measure like inspiration, trust, or purpose. So, creating, identifying, or even putting into words a purpose is not a simplistic process. According to Simon Sinek, there are 2 ways:

  • through the founders of the company themselves, who will certainly know why they began

  • when the founders are no longer present, there is a method based on the best existing cultural elements.

The method goes through 3 stages:

  • Bringing together as many stories as possible. Looking to the past, to the origin, bringing the memories, and creating the connections. Choose 5 or 6 that really made a difference and share in detail as much as possible.

  • Identify the topics of these stories that are common to the different elements

  • To articulate and define a statement of purpose. Just one honest and memorable sentence.

To complement and help you along this journey, there are several questions you can ask. Kiko Kislansky, himself a well-known and passionate advocate and disseminator of the need for Purpose, has gathered some guiding questions for your company. You can download it from his website.

But why go to so much work to find the WHY of the company now, when there are now so many other challenges. Because the survival of your company will depend on it! We cannot continue working on tourism as we did before, companies have to be aware of their actions, their impacts and make decisions based on why they exist and not how much they will profit.

Moreover, the benefits are huge, numerous, measured, and proven and are reflected in the 3 areas Please Disturb works in a 360ª strategy: employees, customers, and company. We list some of the main ones:


  1. Greater involvement and motivation of employees, which will consequently result in better performance and better results.

  2. The attraction of new employees who share the same philosophy, facilitating the hiring of better professionals.

  3. Reduction in turnover, increase in the rate of retention and talents, due to an increase in the importance of trust and added value that provide better relations.

  4. Better relationships between teams and team spirit reflected in customer service or in the quality of the tasks performed.


  1. Increases customer loyalty, which identifies with the company's philosophy.

  2. Price is no longer the main decisive factor in brand selection. Customers will be less sensitive to market fluctuations and external conditions.

  3. Differentiation of competition. Customers will become less sensitive to sales cycles.

  4. Customers become ambassadors of your brand on a voluntary basis, out of satisfaction.


  1. A clearer strategy that allows redefining the competitive space of the business itself. A product or service that, beyond its initial purpose, conveys meaning will be the one that stands out.

  2. Increase in innovation capacity, with more space for the creation of new business opportunities and new development models.

  3. A stronger brand with a more positive reputation, better perceived socially.

  4. Greater economic and financial growth and greater business performance. With the support of loyal customers and committed employees, it should come as no surprise that organizations with specific objectives are much more likely to outperform the competition.

As we believe that everything to be validated has to be measured, all these findings are supported by numerous studies by Gallup, EY, Morgan Philips, among others.

What we present here is just a simple summary of the dimension that is the importance of a purpose in a company, in which it is essential that all stakeholders are clearly informed of that purpose and that it is genuine and extensible in all areas of activity and in all agents of Tourism.