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When we combine purpose and sustainability in the same company, the result can only be one: success!

In a quite simple way:

1. Purpose: the reason why the company exists. The WHY of the company.

When the company is managed on the basis of its purpose, all its stakeholders work on the same values and motivations, for a much higher reason than themselves or for a simple result. The involvement, dedication, and sense of belonging is much greater. Soon the performance of the teams and the motivation of the employees will also be superior. This will be reflected in the customer service that will also feel connected with the purpose of the company, sharing the same philosophies.

2. Sustainability: action decisions that are aware of the impacts that they will generate at a socio-cultural, environmental, and economic level. The HOW of the company.

If the strategy defined, the actions are taken, the day-to-day decisions and the projects implemented are all aware of the impacts they cause, the results will be more lasting. Having sustainability as the driving force of the way the company develops, it allows guaranteeing the company's own sustainability, generating, once again, stronger links with its employees and customers. Sustainability is not only a trend that is here to stay and that is well placed in our Marketing and Communication plan. It has to be in the essence of the company from the moment of conception, through the moment of delivery to the after-sales/service. The clarity and honesty of the message must be supported by the sincerity of each action. There must be transparency in words and actions. Everything in perfect alignment.

3. Success: the products and services that are offered. The WHAT of the company.

Articulating purpose and sustainability, quality and excellence will prevail. Everything the company will offer will be genuine, authentic, and an added value. Customers will stay connected to the company, be loyal to its products/services, and at the time of the decision to choose, will not hesitate. More than buying products or services, they feel they are part of a cause, of something they identify with. The competition will not be a problem, because even with fluctuating markets, the customer is faithful to his purpose, what they both believe.

And in this way, always moving, ...

hotels will offer a memorable service,

restaurants will have differentiating products

and a destination will remain in the memory to be revisited.

PS - in consequence, profit will come... Yes, we are not talking about utopias, a company needs to make a profit in order to stay open and prosper