Photo by Unsplash @austinchan

Photo by Unsplash @austinchan

We all have a purpose. We are all leaders. Even if we have not yet discovered any of these essences, they are the truth...

A purpose-based leadership is increasingly discussed as the solution to navigating this complex, volatile and ambiguous VUCA world we face today. Especially in the Tourism industry, where the market looks like a storm in the seas and where we have to change the route constantly, read strategy, adapting to the winds that are always changing. With the frustration of not knowing whether the few decisions we manage to make are "obviously" right or wrong.

So, beyond the purpose of the companies that has to be found, we insist more and more on the importance of strong and genuine leadership that effectively inspires and leads the teams. We do not need more managers focused only on numbers and immediate profit. Instead, we have the opportunity to do better again with leadership that has the ability to turn fear and pain into motivation. That can have the resilience to withstand adversity and uncertainty. Those who have the charisma to communicate positively and to influence others to become leaders.

Tourism will only succeed if there is positive leadership in companies and in each one of us.

PURPOSE LEADERS are needed in Tourism!

And we do not insist on this just because we believe... we finished with a paragraph from a PDL - Purpose Driven Leadership study conducted by Pablo Cardona, Carlos Rey, and Nick Craig that we share, where just a few lines of this excellent work, illustrate the need for us all to be leaders with purpose:

“In an organization run by PDL, living examples are more powerful than communication. Or, should we say, giving example is the only valid way to communicate. And along with this, other leadership skills become increasingly important. For example, shared leadership research has found that leaders who value and respect the purpose of their collaborators and colleagues as much as they value and respect their own are more effective.6 Further, leaders who are willing to support those in the development of their purpose receive more help in return. Finally, leaders who base their relationships on trust, freedom, and respect develop stronger bonds of shared leadership. And this transformation happens more naturally than one would think, as all human beings essentially have a calling to act as leaders. It is not just an option; humans need leadership for personal fulfillment and to reach their full potential. Purpose-driven leadership releases a greater potential of human capacity, helping individuals reach higher satisfaction and meaning at work.”

"purpose to impact"

The real job of a leader is not to be in the line of command, but to take care of those in our charge.

Tourism needs to take care of its own. Let us all be leaders in a positive change in the reconstruction of Tourism.
