I am tourism addicted. I don't know if this exists, but it defines my passion for Tourism. And so are all those who work in this industry. And that's why it hurts... It hurts to have to stop, it hurts to have empty spaces, it hurts not to feel the buzz of the luggage wheels, it hurts not to be able to do what we love the most...
Because Tourism has a soul... and it is wounded, in need of healing.

That is why, in the words of Fernando Pessoa, we see a shared state of mind when we are asked to stop the art of selling Happiness.

To travel! Losing countries!

To be another constantly,

Because the soul has no roots

To live from seeing only!

Not even belonging to me!

To go on, to go on

The absence of an end,

And the eagerness to achieve it!

Traveling like this is traveling.

But I do it without having my

More than the dream of the passage.

The rest is only earth and sky.

We gave ourselves to the delight today of dropping our tears so that tomorrow we can continue on our way, believing that the future will bring us a smile again. Because we believe in our dedication, we believe in the strength of each one of us who works in this industry with Passion.

Tourism has a soul and it will live again with all its essence.