Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

In the vast majority of companies in the tourism sector, teams are either layoff or working from home, something that is not at all common... If leading was already a challenge, these conditions further increase the need to approach the teams and the development of human skills that allow developing an efficient leadership, maintaining the motivation and safety of employees.

If self-motivation and resilience are now, even more, demands of any leader or entrepreneur, when we additionally have to motivate teams and maintain a union and serenity at a distance, to practice active listening is fundamental. Ask questions... Ask the right questions and involve all stakeholders in building the answers. Questions should be asked in a broader sense of how:

What new opportunities have arisen that we do not want to miss?

How can we use new technologies to change our business model?

How can I adapt my company and way of working to new demand trends?

Asking the questions and seeking help in the answer does not show any weakness in your leadership. On the contrary, the search together for these answers will contribute to greater involvement of the teams in the recovery of the companies and the return of Tourism. There will be a sense of belonging that at the same time will be able to develop greater confidence in the future.

But given the current challenges, listening has to be even deeper and more genuine. Each employee will react differently to this new constraint. Anxiety, uncertainty, discomfort, and even some empathy will be emotions that will easily develop. It's up to the leader, to take care of his team. And that also includes generating EMPATHY. Develop bilateral communication channels, where employees feel comfortable sharing their fears. Ask questions, try to understand how you can contribute positively. Even at a distance, you can schedule a "virtual cafe" to try to understand how each individual feels and the state of mind of your teams. In this way, you will be able to take the necessary measures, so that in your longed-for return, you won't have disconnected and weakened teams, but united and strong.

Invest in training. Not only in hard skills, but also in soft skills. Promote self-knowledge and encourage individual learning. Growth.

Create projects that not only contribute to the strengthening of the company but also to maintain unity and teamwork. Involvement.

Promote a positive business culture of partnership and sharing. Of positive construction, resilience, and collaboration. Sense of belonging.

And don't let yourself be left to your employees... try to understand how your suppliers are doing, what their current situation is. Can you contribute in some way, generating more positive and constructive relationships in the future?

Develop partnerships. The recovery will have to be global and collaborative, co-creative. Be creative and together with other brands, develop authentic and unique products and offers that already feed the dreams of those who will soon visit us again. Creativity.

Ask questions also to your customers. Find out how you would like them to receive you. Try to understand how you can maintain a relationship with the brand, even at a distance.

Tourism may be still, but it's alive... feed the dreams of all the stakeholders, because soon we will be together again.