Photo by www.eyresandassociates.com.au

Photo by www.eyresandassociates.com.au

The construct of a happiness culture at work has not yet managed to gain its prominence in the reality of the Tourism industry. And we fear that this situation will become even worse, given the current circumstances where we have companies with only the survival instinct active. But managing for profit, with low costs and low salaries, is not the way... and there is an agent of change that will make companies change: the CUSTOMER.

Although we are living the reality of a VUCA world, on the other side of the equation we have a new visitor, a new Tourist that is already asking for a change. And one of those changes is humanized companies, with genuine concern for all their stakeholders and their impact on the community. And where does this humanization of companies have to start? Inside, in their most valuable resource: PEOPLE.

Aware of the current challenges, with fragile teams, in an industry that yearns to start over, it is fundamental, even from a distance, to work in a healthy corporate culture. Where employees can trust their leaders, can believe in the future. The success of the return to active work will depend on how strong the teams and their leaders are, more than low prices or special offers, only focused on a possible short-term profit.

In a labor market that will be even more competitive and in a multigenerational organizational environment - baby boomers, X, millennials, and Z, with diverse demands, it becomes increasingly urgent to promote the development of a Culture of Corporate Happiness. This culture will have to attract, engage and retain the best professionals who are looking for more than a career. They are looking for experiences to be had within the organization.

Where to start? By understanding how a healthy culture is (re)built and what components make up that culture. More than skills and abilities, the level of satisfaction and well-being of employees are also important performance indicators in organizations. Therefore, we suggest the applicability of the PERMA MODEL, created by Martin Seligman, one of the founders of positive psychology.

In the PERMA model, Seligman relates subjective well-being to the presence of more Positive Emotions than negative emotions on a daily basis, to the practice of activities that promote Engagement (Flow), to the existence of Nurturing Relationships, to the presence of a Purpose (Meaning) that goes beyond the person him/herself, and, finally, to Accomplishments.

How to measure and work these 5 points, especially if we have a team at a distance?

Positive Emotion

It does not mean always laughing, or always happy. There is no such thing. It means feeling good. We manage to generate the negative emotions that also have to exist and have a more positive outlook.

How do your teams feel? Try to understand through frank dialogs how they are coping with the current situation and the state they are in emotionally.


People have to be part of the solution, not feel like a problem. When we get involved in our work, feel useful, and occupy our time in a rewarding way, we can even enter a state of flow. It is this state that even makes us lose in time, excited.

Invite your teams to participate in building solutions for the future and reopening. Develop projects with collaborative methodologies such as the Business Model Canvas, where there is a great team dynamic and a sense of belonging.

Relationship | Nurturing Relationships

The human being is a social being, and that is why this state of confinement is so hard for us to bear. By feeling that in our workplace we belong to a group, as if we were a tribe, we feel we have a safety net.

Promote informal meetings and even a virtual café with your teams? Leave the space and freedom to talk about things other than work. Also be careful to leave some moments for one-on-one conversations, so that there can be some sharing.

Meaning | Purpose

A life without meaning, without significance, ends up becoming a rather empty life. The same happens with business and the reason we work. We achieve our best when we dedicate, serve, and belong to something greater than ourselves.

If you haven't yet defined your company's purpose - because they all have one - you can't let this opportunity pass you by. If the founders no longer exist, do some group work with different employees from different generations to understand the company's reason for existence.


Having explicit goals that challenge us and developing our abilities to achieve them, , are important for well-being and happiness. Accomplishment helps build self-esteem and provides a sense of fulfillment.

Set SMART goals for your teams and individually. Again, it will be a good opportunity to build the future of the company together.

Feeling good in your workplace is a right, not a privilege. It is up to leaders to take care of that well-being and to create and develop a positive company culture.