Photo by Andreas Wagner on Unsplash

In one of Zoom's many conversations last week (not even worth talking about the fatigue of seeing people in squares), a sentence came up that made me stop and think: "when we return at least to a schizophrenic normality, maybe we can do a little more". But what normality are we talking about, for Tourism? And how do we communicate in this reality?


We still don't have the capacity to predict the future... and even if we did, given the uncertainties of the present moment, we would have many difficulties in understanding when we will be able to return to normality and what that normality would be. Perhaps that is why we have accepted the term schizophrenic normality. Not in the deep, negative sense of schizophrenia, but in an "abnormality" that we will learn to deal with.

We are back to being aimless, not knowing exactly which direction to take or which actions to activate. Or whether we should simply standstill. We again feel a distressing uncertainty and the dilution of a hope that we want to keep active, but which tests all the limits of our resilience.

It is precisely in these moments, that the purpose, has more and more relevance and can give us the answers we need. The companies that are managed by a purpose, even when facing all the market adversities will keep their focus and their essence, being more resilient. They know exactly its differentiating positioning. They know that their purpose continues to have meaning for someone.

" Purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving the higher workforce and customer satisfaction.” Delloite, 2019

We understand that in a situation of financial survival, thinking about a purpose may seem to us to be a meaningless solution, but it is exactly the opposite. By maintaining what is effectively the reason for the company's existence, we will also achieve better performance management, and consequently results.

But what about when we don't have any possibility of having results? Like now, that once again tourism has stopped.


Tourists and Visitors are also stopped, eager to travel again and (re)discover places. We all wait only when we can then return to that normality, even if schizophrenic (with all the new travel procedures and a constant alert for hygienic security). While we all wait, then why not strengthen the connections, through the common points that unite us?

Have you reminded your guests of the good sensations they feel when they stay at your accommodation? The well-being? Of those fantastic breakfasts?

It has taken visitors to past or "future" memories of how good it will be to return that walk in Nature, those lost streets of a village, the sounds and smells of a destination, ...

Have you made known everything that will await your customers the next time they visit your restaurant? New flavors. The local tradition. That dish that makes them make miles. 

Physical distance prevents us from being close, but it does not prevent us from remaining connected. And as we remain connected, we remain alive in the memories of those who know us and increase their curiosity to visit us.

Be sure to communicate your brand, with a purpose, with authenticity. Structure this new stop, taking the best management decisions for your business, but building and strengthening relationships with all your stakeholders. Take advantage of this time to go to the essence of your company and make alive your purpose, your values, and everything that effectively differentiates you from your competitors.

Stay connected, in a People-to-People industry. Don't let the soul of Tourism die, show its authenticity, so that when we progressively return to a possible normality, we can be remembered as that brand that always had a living essence.

Become a LOVE BRAND... and never stop dreaming.


Our simple tribute to Martin Luther King’s birthday, who never gave up in the face of all adversity and always kept the authenticity of his message, keeping his dream alive and making thousands believe that it would be possible


No... we are not crazy; we are not even playing with serious subjects. We only talk about Circular Economy and how Tourism has to integrate into its recovery the principles that encompass it. This is the moment, not only to change to Sustainable Tourism, but also to Sustainability in Tourism.


This has always been our motto. More than Sustainable Tourism, we defend a Regenerative Tourism that works the same pillars - socio-cultural, economic, and environmental - but with a special focus and attention on the communities in which it is inserted and on PEOPLE.

For this process to happen, it is necessary to think differently about Tourism, to think about a new framework for tourism activities. All Tourism players should start defining their strategies and action plans based on conscious decisions, assessing, and questioning the purpose of their operations and the natural, social and economic impacts of their business models.

If we look at Tourism in a broader and more comprehensive way, each sector and each player in this multifaceted industry has its own connection with other industries and has a plurality and differential in the use of goods and materials, levels of service, type of customer involvement, etc. that support the bases of circularity and a potential for circular business models. The principles of Circular Economy can guide a more sustainable, resilient, and resistant tourism development to the challenges of these next years, including the UN ODS and UNWTO's Vision of a Planet*.

Although in the first perspective of analysis it is obvious to have a Circular Economy in Tourism, due to its interaction with other industries and market players and mainly in the impacts on the communities where it is inserted, the process must even start from the principle: with education of mentalities. It will also be necessary to demonstrate the financial, environmental, and social benefits of a circular tourism ecosystem, of Regenerative Tourism based on a Purpose.

New concepts will have to be introduced such as

"PROFUNDABLE COOPERATION", combining public-private collaborations of tourism stakeholders and interprofessional coalitions, even beyond tourism, for the elaboration of regional and national policies and circular economy strategies.

"VALUE COCREATION" bringing together all players and stakeholders in a sharing of common interests and for a common good, bringing together the same values and intentions. Equity.

"OPTIMIZATION OF SYSTEMS (instead of just commercial maximization)" creating processes and structures that add value in a fair manner to all direct and indirect stakeholders. Justice, equality, and a sense of responsibility for the Planet.

"LEADERSHIP GUIDED BY A PURPOSE" maintaining the authenticity of each of the destinations, of the companies, of all the intervenient. To stop managing for profit, to start leading for a purpose. The framework of Tourism needs to evolve from a 'commodity/service' only to be consumed, exploited, to become a regenerative and contributory element of natural and social reserves, communities and especially PEOPLE.

We always leave the question... is it an easy path? We are aware that it is not. But it is indeed the right path to take if we really want Tourism to become a hero and not a villain.

*Referring to Circular Economy in Travel and Tourism - White Paper


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Never as much as today, the term VUCA can be used to define the tourism industry: volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous. External conditions change almost every day and when we think we start to see a course; something comes up to deviate us from the path again. LEADERSHIP TODAY is perhaps one of the greatest challenges for companies...

We had hoped that 2021 would bring us a new breath and finally allow us to recover. But the first days still alert us to some challenges that Tourism will have to overcome before such a longed-for recovery. The third wave of Covid-19 forces us to stop again. The survival instinct of companies increases, the uncertainties of the future decrease hope, and some fears return. Especially of employees and leaders. We are all tired, but we also that we cannot resign ourselves.

It is in these times of instability that LEADERSHIP plays a fundamental role in the continuity of any company, regardless of its size. A leader is required not only to apply all possible management methods to ensure the maintenance of the business, which in itself is already strenuous, but he also has to worry about his teams, which will be companies’ greatest resource, the guarantee of continuity.

But how will leaders manage to keep the focus and make the best decisions? Take effective care of your teams and your business? WITH PURPOSE AS FOCUS.

Maybe this wasn't the answer you expected, but it's certainly the way companies have to follow. Stop focusing on profit as the main objective and focus on what is its essence. Travelers and tourists will undoubtedly return and are eager to do so, but they too will be different: more aware, more conscious, more cautious. And companies will have to be prepared to receive them. Not only selling services/products but generating lasting and genuine connections.

And here another question arises... how to keep the teams motivated after such ambiguous times? TOURISM NEEDS LEADERS WITH A PURPOSE.

Teams need to be fully involved in the recovery of the company and each employee needs to have a sense of belonging. They need to feel good in their workplace, even if working at a distance or on layoff. They need to have confidence in the future. ALL DECISIONS HAVE TO BE MADE WITH THE PEOPLE AT THE CENTER. A company, a team, an employee, driven by a purpose, goes beyond their physical and emotional needs. We will work for something we will be identified with, on which we believe and makes us feel good about our workplace. And this is not an obligation, it's a right we all have.

And it will be that collective well-being that will create a healthy and positive business culture that will effectively contribute to the success of companies so that they stand out when Tourism begins its recovery.

How to start a leadership with purpose?

1. Look for the essence of the company, look for the reason for its existence, its WHY* and share it with all employees. Believe again that it is possible. Remember the reason why the company was created and focus on that reason to recover it stronger.

2. Connect with what is important to you, as a leader and as a professional. Take care of yourself first and then take care of your team. Understanding our values, which gives meaning to our lives, gives us the "GPS coordinates" of our purpose. So that everyone can follow aligned by something superior.

3. Connect the purpose of your teams, your employees, with the purpose of the company. Identify common values and beliefs that work the sense of belonging and individual and collective involvement.

4. Make decisions based on the purpose of the company, not only on profit. But do not confuse the path you have to follow with the goals you have to achieve. The path will always have to be based on the essence of the company, the goals should reflect that essence and ensure its survival and sustainability.

5. Focus on service! Do not focus only on prices or special offers. Tourism is an industry of people for people and travelers and tourists, more than the value they will pay, will give more importance to the experience they will receive, how much will contribute to their well-being. Remember that tourists are also tired of being at home...

6. Build this process as a team. Be flexible and learn from mistakes. Involve all teams in the recovery of the companies. Create a sense of community, where everyone will strive for a single purpose. Be genuinely concerned with the well-being of your employees because they will be the main cause of your success or failure.

If this whole process is easy... no, not at all, and requires a change of management paradigm that can often even be misunderstood initially by other stakeholders. However, the results are guaranteed. All companies that started working for a purpose have seen their performance improve and consequently the results increase**.

It's in the hands of Tourism leaders, choosing the way to go...

*Referência ao modelo do Golden Circle de Simon Sinek – Start With the Why



Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

But respecting the traditions, let us use the change of year, to stop, analyze and review. Not what we can do more, but what we can do better. If 2020 has caught us by surprise, 2021 will bring us added challenges in recovery we look forward to. Where to start? Exactly at the beginning...

"People don't buy what your company does, they buy why the company does it".

We repeat this phrase from Simon Sinek, which we used in one of the first contents of our blog, where we explained the Golden Circle concept in Tourism. Why did we repeat ourselves? Because this is perhaps one of the main steps and a change in mentality that the different players in tourism have to consider: not working for profit. To lead for a purpose.

Said in this way, when in 2020, Tourism went into survival mode, it may even seem offensive. But this is clearly not the intention. The goal is to awaken managers and leaders to a new reality, new paradigms, which require new approaches. They are disappointed with the expectation of a "new normal", this does not exist. What this new year will bring us and we hope, that it will teach us as well, is that we have to start to become aware of our decisions and of their impact, not only on us, on our companies, but on everyone. We have to move from self-centeredness to ecocentrism, in what will have to increasingly become a circular economy. The solution has to be global and built together. And in this new paradigm, Tourism has a fundamental role, as an industry that transforms communities, habits, and consumption. Of impacts, which can be positive or negative. The choice is only and only ours. Of what moves us.

Therefore, we must stop, reflect, and start again... from the beginning.

The market has changed... we still don't know exactly who the next tourists will be looking for us. Those same tourists and visitors have also changed... motivations, ways to travel, ways to plan. And although we have studies and trends, the uncertainties and unpredictability are high. Only one thing has not changed: the values, the beliefs. The essence of the consumer, the tourist, the visitor. So what do we have to look for? The essence of the companies!

What is the reason of your company's existence? Your brand? Of your business?

What is the purpose behind everything you offer, how you communicate, and mainly how you connect with your followers?

What values and beliefs led you to create your brand, to work in a company, to persist in wanting to keep your business alive? In wanting to recover Tourism?

Because much may have changed, the essence of something never changes. The WHY (why) of companies never changes and it is this essence that makes your customers, even in external situations and adverse markets, continue to seek it. The link that we can generate between what we believe in, the purpose of our companies and everything that the market also believes and to which it is connected. We are not utopian or unrealistic when thinking that profit doesn't matter, of course, it matters, but as consequence. Not as the main objective.

Therefore, in this first week of 2021 that will take all our strengths and resilience, we leave the challenge to start again yes... but having the courage to go back to the beginning, to the essence, and to remake a new path with a more sustainable, more genuine Tourism, with a purpose.

If you are still reluctant, check out the benefits that companies that are managed for a purpose gain. Tourism does not need to be a villain, it can and must be a hero in the recovery of our economy, of our country. Not for a "new normal", but to flourish from a new reality...

EMPATHY, SAVIOR FROM THERE AND TOURISM; another unlikely combination... or not

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali

EM.PA.THY in its simplest meaning means to put oneself in the shoes of others, trying to act or think in the same way as that person would think or act in the same circumstances. In leadership, it means to lead considering the team in the first place. We need leadership with empathy in Tourism. Now and in the future…

The German term Einfühlung was used in the aesthetic sense for the first time in the early 20th century by the German psychologist Theodor Lipps (1851-1914) "to indicate the relationship between the artist and the spectator who projects himself into the work of art. The term comes from the Greek EMPATHEIA, formed by EN-, "in", plus PATHOS, "emotion, feeling" and Aristotle used the term "em-pathein" in the sense of "animation of the inanimate".

And we could follow throughout history and how Empathy has always had a very deep meaning in the arts, in the connection between human beings and their survival. Today, we put empathy in team leadership as an imperative, not only to overcome the present moment but also to deal with the uncertainties of the future.

Some characteristics of authentic empathy are compassion, understanding, wisdom, altruism, and honesty; all of them necessary for a true leader. Showing respect and understanding for the feelings of your employees is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it reveals a high emotional intelligence.

Empathy is a skill that every good leader must-have. It helps in good communication with the team, improving everyone's performance at work, regardless of the position they occupy or the function they perform. Taking into consideration each one of your employees, being close to them, and understanding what motivates them, what their desires, beliefs, and values are, makes everyone work in tune.

As a result, the sum of the parts ends up generating better results than working individually, considerably increasing productivity. Dealing with a team is dealing with the diversity of each one of its elements, accepting and respecting the differences, trying to create harmony.

This does not mean that one idea is better than another: by putting ourselves in each one's place, analyzing how we got to a certain point, we can have great surprises and a new vision and approach to situations.

So how can we be empathic in Tourism, with all stakeholders without exception?

_ always put PEOPLE at the center of all decisions. The companies are the PEOPLE, Tourism is the PEOPLE, so PEOPLE should be treated as a company's most precious asset

_ observe the behavior of your employees. Try to understand their motivations and desires. Try to create links of mutual respect and trust.

_ know how to listen to understand and not to respond. Practice active listening in a positive way.

_ express your concerns whenever appropriate. Many leaders only worry about delegating, without explaining the objectives and the reasons for some decisions

_ develop a sense of belonging, and involve employees in the growth and evolution of the company. Make your work meaningful, so they feel they are part of something, in a team

COLLABORATION, in what is a true team spirit and the development of collaborative relationships that benefit all the surrounding parties, with justice and equality

Tourism has to promote EMPATHY and work in a CIRCULAR ECONOMY. It has to rebuild itself respecting PEOPLE, ENVIRONMENT, and COMMUNITIES.

We must create the basis for REGENERATIVE TOURISM and now is our opportunity to do it together. #restartTourism




Incredibly, I only met Frida more intimately in a formation with Carla Furtado on Happiness Skills. Since then, I have had the greatest admiration for her, and every time we talk about resilience, in fact, Frida Kahlo appears in her representation.

But in reality, what does all this have to do with Tourism?

RESILIENCE in its definition means the property of bodies that return to their original form after having suffered deformation or shock. In a more figurative sense, it illustrates the capacity of those who adapt to bad weather, changes or misfortunes, and a natural tendency to recover or easily overcome the problems that appear.

Tourism needs all this... only the return to the original has to be improved.

This is where Frida, a woman ahead of her time, teaches us with her life, that even in the face of all adversities we must always blossom our days, and not be afraid to show what makes us unique, whether we are talking about People or Business. Especially in Tourism...

Frida was authentic and did not care about the standards that society imposed.

"misfortune did not take on the character of tragedy: she felt he had enough energy to do anything.” And this is also how Tourism flourishes again. Not caring about the standards, but only about its authenticity, taking care of the communities where it is inserted. #buildbackbetter. Although they forced us to stop, we need to have the capacity and energy to return stronger and with companies more aware of their impact. Humanized companies, far from pre-established economic standards and with People at the center of decisions. We don't need to follow the market; we need to bet on differentiation for authenticity.

Frida respected and loved the culture of her country.

Her colorful clothes remind us of her country of origin. Even living in the USA, she often celebrated her origin with gastronomy, music, and typical objects. Tourism also has to show respect for the culture of the communities where exist. Respect not only the culture but also the environment and the history and legacy. Tourism does not have to be intrusive, but inclusive and work in a fair circular economy for all its participants. It is time to think only about disproportionate growth, we already realize how fragile it makes us. It's time to regenerate, to build, to co-create. Sustainability, Integration of People, Planet, Income. Balance.

Frida always lived passionately and had a love for her life.

Even though many were misfortunes and health problems, with a unique form and resilience, the activist, a lighted defender of her ideals, loved and lived intensely despite all the obstacles imposed by life. She stated that "tragedy is the most ridiculous thing there is" and that "nothing is worth more than laughter”. The same has to happen with every professional and every company when restarting its activity. Our passion for Tourism has strengthened our resilience to overcome this year, even if many will not see a solution in the near future. Remember why you started... Remember the reason for your company's existence, and instead of working only for profit, work for that essence. Companies with Purpose.

One more year of challenges and many uncertainties awaits us, but it will be only those, who are resilient, strengthen their companies now, adapt, succeed to prosper. We were all paying a very high price for the results we were achieving. We still have time to build better. Tourism does not need to be a villain, it can be a hero in the recovery of a fragile economy, as long as it stops seeing itself as a mere economic activity and starts to position itself as a collaborative industry. We need LEADERS WITH PURPOSE, who also have the resilience and courage to follow that path that we know maybe the longest and most difficult, but that we are aware that this is what we should take: the construction of a REGENERATIVE TOURISM.


Photo of Tony Hsieh

Photo of Tony Hsieh

Tony Hsieh left us too soon... Too soon, mainly because his message still needs to resonate with more force in the business world and especially in the tourism industry. So, we take the time to reflect on how we can apply Zappos' values in Tourism and continue on what needs to be the way…

Tony left two legacies. On the one hand, in the book “Delivering Happiness” in which we can follow his path to Zappos' success and effectively understand how profits can come from a company working for its purpose. How true customer service is actually the foundation of success. And especially how employees will have to understand the true culture of the company in order to integrate into it. Tony paid employees $200,000 to leave because they didn't fit in and because he thought the cost of keeping them would be higher.

In a second legacy, we still have the company itself and its entire philosophy. This is where we have managed to establish a direct relationship between its values and the values that should also be sustained, especially at this stage when we have to flourish:

1. always transmit WOW

More than exceeding customers' expectations, there should be a genuine concern of companies with them. During all this time, have you been trying to find out how your customers feel? How were they dealing with this situation and how could they help them?

2. Embrace and drive change

There is no point in insisting on trying to control external factors that are totally out of our control. The only solution will be to analyze and adapt. Provoke the necessary changes to be able to deal with the situation. Have a flexible strategy, which maintains the essence of the company, but adjusts the tactical actions to the moment.

3. Create fun and a little weirdness

Differentiation. Each company is unique and should always follow its own path in a creative way. Companies are living organisms and must be managed as such. Nobody likes to be on the side of people who are not well regarded, do they?

4. Being bold, creative, and open-minded

Creativity is undoubtedly one of the differentiating factors, especially in the way Tourism manages to provide the experiences to its visitors and lead them to create memories. Don't just follow the market... create your own positioning.

5. Seek growth and learning

Take advantage of this moment that we are forced to slow down or even stop to increase your personal knowledge. Give your teams that opportunity too. The best investment we can make is in ourselves.

6. Build open and honest relationships with communication

Communicate, communicate,... But with a genuine, true and clear message. A message that is from inside the company to the outside. Not just pretty words conditioned by the market.

7. To build a positive team with a family spirit.

PEOPLE are the most important asset of a company. In reality, a company is PEOPLE and Tourism is mainly an industry of People for People. Sense of belonging and involvement. Take genuine care of your employees and your team.

8. Do more with less

In adverse times there are also opportunities at various levels, and one of them is that we can review processes, methodologies, partners, costs. Review ways of working with which fewer resources can be made available more efficiently. Digital is already a 100% part of your company.

9. Be passionate and determined

It is no use working in Tourism, no matter what company it is, but to do it with Passion. Companies have to work for their purpose, not for profit. Profit will come as a result. Tourism must focus on its authenticity, with resilience and determination, believing in the Future.

10. Being humble

We need to say it again... Businesses are living organisms and humility, as in people, should be a constant. Grow slowly, with sustainability. Build deep foundations in your teams. Have the humility to recognize mistakes and apologize. Be humble in all your decisions, but never stop following your path.

Tourism will return, but some paradigm shifts will have to accompany this change: regenerative tourism, leaders with purpose, humanized companies, ... And to act! In the words of Tony Hsieh: "Learn by doing. The theory is good, but nothing replaces the real experience".


Measuring to evaluate, is fundamental in any decision making by leaders and managers. But are we really looking at all the right KPIs? Are companies doing a 360º assessment of all their stakeholders? Maybe not…

I believe we are already conscious that happy employees not only contribute to improving their performance and career development but also contribute to increasing the company's effective performance and results. So why do we continue to hold management meetings, where we don't even present data that evaluate the level of well-being of the most precious asset of the companies: People?

Any organization in the Tourism industry today faces continuous change and transformation as a result of the VUCA World* in which we find ourselves. We will all be forced to take on new challenges to overcome the difficulties. Obviously, all this instability and change affects the well-being and physical and emotional health of employees. And it is in this sense that companies must seek strategies to optimize and develop the well-being of their teams and employees, while also maintaining their level of performance, regardless of the situation in which they find themselves (layoff, reduction, working,...).

The introduction of Positive Psychology into the organizational environment began in the 1990s with Martin Seligman. Although many still consider happiness for those who work a utopia, Positive Psychology suggests that happiness is achievable, as well as the natural result of building our well-being and satisfaction with life, whether at a personal level or in a business context. Martin Seligman has spent many years developing the Theory of Happiness, introducing the PERMA model for building well-being.

PERMA is an acronym for Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments. In this model, well-being is subject to five pillars: the presence of more Positive Emotions than negative ones in daily life, the exercise of activities that provide involvement or Flow, the existence of Nourishing Relationships, the presence of a Purpose that goes beyond the individual himself and, finally, Achievements.


P - Positive Emotions

Barbara Fredrickson's broaden and build theory confirms that positive emotions help build a repertoire of thoughts and actions to respond to the situations that present themselves. They also contribute to building resilience in adverse times. From an organizational point of view, positive emotions have a contagious effect on improving the environment.

Tourism as an activity already generates positive emotions, so these same positive emotions should also be experienced by individual employees, as they will create a cascading effect that benefits organizational functioning.

E- Engagement

It is nothing new that employees who are more involved with the company, identify with its purpose and the function they perform produce better results. One of the models proposed by positive psychology for measuring this involvement measures three factors - energy, dedication, and how integrated people are in their activity, team, or organization. The confidence in people and in the environment is also of relevant importance.

R - Relationships

How much is said about teamwork and its importance? But how much do this complicity, inclusion, and participation exist for all employees? Human beings are "social" and this must also be the case in organizations. Tourism is an industry of People for People and positive relationships have to be built from inside to outside the company, in a transversal and vertical way. This will give us a feeling of support and connection. That we are not alone.

M - Meaning

Seligman defines this as one of the most difficult factors to work with, as it deals with our connection with "something greater than ourselves", with the aggravating factor that most tourism companies have not recognized, nor work for its purpose. All companies have an essence, a reason to exist that is then sustained in their values and principles. All employees should be aligned with that purpose so that they can experience a sense of belonging.

There is a high correlation (0.63) between people who find meaning at work and high performance. Do you still think it doesn’t make sense?

A - Accomplishments

These are the goals and objectives that we propose, either as a company, as a team, or individually. A high rate of achievement usually comes with a sense of autonomy and self-efficacy. Feeling that we are able to deliver strengthens our self-esteem and motivation. Knowing what our objectives are and how we contribute to the development of the company, contributes to our well-being within it, and constantly seeks to evolve together.

Companies are human and it is in this way that they will have to be cared for and led...

*VUCA World: for more information see the content of our blog

GNH - IS GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS JUST AN UTOPIA? Let's reflect and do all the questions together....

GHI THOR - the future

The uncertainties of the Future in Tourism make us think more and more about what direction we will take... Not only do we not know which way, but we don't even know how to (re)start. And so, does it make sense to talk about Happiness and Well-Being in Business? Does it make sense to stop analyzing only GDP as a development indicator for countries and start looking at the GNH?

Yes, it does. More than ever!

We are tired... of struggling, of striving to keep our business running. Trying to keep the business open… but then let's stop and be honest. Were we following the right path? Were we running the companies the right way? Were we respecting People?

And even when we do not have leadership positions, how were we acting? Did we really feel connected with the company? Did we feel safe, motivated? Did we even know what the objectives were, what the future plans were? Or did we get in, do we do our jobs and get out?

We could continue with an endless list of questions. This does not have to be a time of non-conformity, but of analysis and evaluation, of awareness and of assuming that we can, WE MUST ACT DIFFERENTLY.

There is much talk of reinventing ourselves, but in what way and for what direction?

PEOPLE have to be put at the center of companies and decisions.

LEADERS have to be LEADERS and not managers managing numbers.

Companies must work for a PURPOSE and not for profit.

Tourism must be REGENERATIVE and not just an economic activity.

But in a society that is constantly measured only by GDP growth, in an industry that only recently was celebrating the "growth" in the numbers of tourists arriving in our country, will we now achieve a change in mentality? Speaking of GNH, is this not too esoteric? We are sure again: the time is now!

Building a new reality based on happiness may even sound utopian, as we spend years fighting only for financial growth. But there are countless global movements that already demonstrate that aggregating economic growth and human well-being is not only possible but that it is a road with no turning back and with countless benefits. GDP and the vast majority of economic analysis data or even the analysis data of any tourism company, although effective in short management, do not take into account some fundamental points such as the environmental costs and impact of its growth and especially equality, justice, quality of life and the well-being and happiness of employees, teams, society.

When making decisions, regardless of their scope or impact, if we consider only purely economic analyses, we may even find solutions with some positive results, but at what cost? What consequences will we have in the medium and long term in a relentless pursuit of profit alone? What impacts will we have on the environment, on society, and on economic sustainability itself? Are we really building something better for everyone? Because one thing is for sure, everything we do will get back to us...

So, we believe this is the right time to review your company, your business, the way you work, and even your contribution to the work you do. RESILIENCE.

We will need to have the strength and determination, the courage to break with paradigms and mentalities. We must be able to get out of this state of survival in which many of us are, to bring about a positive change around us. History and Humanity have already told us over time that those who survive are not the strongest or the smartest, but those who have the ability to adapt...

We are not unrealistic, and we are not ignoring the difficulties and challenging times of today, but we believe that only with a change in this direction will we succeed.

GIH THOR - Gross Internal Happiness in Tourism, HOspitality, and Restaurants

We will make this one of our flags today and in the future. Because this must be our path... there is no other.

One final question... is this index of Happiness, the GNH, something that our politicians and official Tourism bodies should also think about? We have no doubt, the answer is yes! And with what focus and concern? On People!

PS - we are not being pioneers, just following what is the right path and already started by other entities such as the United Nations with the World Happiness Report; the OECD, and the European Commission with the Beyond GDP tool. And if we want to be more tangible and local, the UK now has the Office for National Statistics working with GNH parameters.

There is the Wellbeing Economy Governments initiative, created in 2018 by Iceland, Scotland, and New Zealand, which simply transforms a disruptive and people-only policy.

HAPPINESS IS NOT FOR THE INERT (we would like to present you the PERK)


This a sentence from Aristotle and today it has enormous strength. And what can we do to feel good, to feel happy, when the reality around us is not positive or with challenging circumstances like now? TAKING DECISIONS

We will repeat again that Happiness at work is not foosball in the office or team building activities. Of course, this can also be part of it, but we mainly talk about feeling a general sense of well-being at work; being able to deal with setbacks; building friendly relationships with co-workers and managers, clients, suppliers, and all partners. In fact, of knowing that our work is important for ourselves, for your organization, and beyond.

Tourism is experiencing enormous challenges and many uncertainties for the future. Most companies are fighting for their survival. But it is at these times that we distinguish leaders and above all that we make organizations and teams stronger and more resilient. And that means building a healthy corporate culture that can overcome this moment with determination, as a team, and emerge with greater dynamism and even more strength.

TO TAKE DECISIONS at this moment, for any Tourism company, involves: facing reality head-on, facing the current situation with positivism, but with an awareness of all the options and decisions that have to be taken. LOOKING FOR SOLUTIONS. See available supports, review business model, analyze processes. TO STOP is not a sign of weakness. It may be the option to survive and return stronger.

Whatever decision you make, never sacrifice PEOPLE at the expense of numbers. It is they who build the businesses, and it is they who will be able to keep them alive.

Yes,... If you have never thought about this before, now is the time to start working Happiness at Work. How? There is no single, simple answer to this question, but there are four pillars that are fundamental to its construction and which can be summed up in an acronym: PERK.

P for Purpose

E for Engagement

R for Resilience

K for Kindness


This is the essence of business. An organization "has a sense of purpose when it makes valuable contributions to others (individuals and organizations) or to society which it considers personally significant and which harm no one". (Morten Hansen, in his book Great at Work of 2018). Leaders and teams focused on working on the basis of a reflection of their core values, more intentional at work, with everyday behaviors and decisions are aligned with those values. The essence is not copyable and will be the differentiation factor of the company

(see our Purpose content on our blog)


Generate a sense of belonging in the teams and in each of the employees. Make them part of the solution and not part of the problem. To communicate clearly and honestly the real situation of the company so that they look for solutions together and work in co-creation. Generate communication flows, maintain links between teams, seek a balance in the compromises, and some sacrifices that have to be made, so that afterward they can also receive everyone in the same proportion. Being part of the process.


The ability to cope, adapt, and to learn from setbacks, failures, and disappointments is fundamental to general happiness at work. Resilience does not mean trying to avoid difficulties, stifle stress, or avoid confrontation; it means being able to manage challenges at work with authenticity and grace. And the first step is to face reality with clarity and honesty. Again, teamwork and clear communication are fundamental to building resilient teams. A positive focus on work, investment in training, balance with healthy moments of rest. Sense of collaboration


Kindness at work implies treating others with dignity and respect, extending empathy and compassion, practicing gratitude, and managing conflicts constructively. It means building trust, sharing resources, feedback, and credit, and being a good listener. Whether you are a leader, an employee, or any other partner in the company. Companies are living organisms. Companies are PEOPLE.

Although the current scenario may seem terribly negative and without a way out, leaders and teams cannot get into despair that leads them to make bad decisions or unthinking attitudes.

Stop, seek the best solutions to overcome these times, and invest in building an even stronger, more resilient, more distinctive, and above all more HUMAN company.

Tourism will return and we will all return too....


Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

We have all heard it said, especially recently: "happy workers are more productive". Yes, that is true. But the concept of Happiness can be misunderstood, and we will not delude ourselves: we cannot always be happy. Neither at work nor in our lives.

More important than happiness is: WELLBEING!

Associating well-being with work is a common goal for anyone and a challenge for human resources professionals in any company. How to adapt the interests of the business to a philosophy of life and work that motivates and makes employees feel good about their role in the company?

Tal Ben-Sharar*, summarizes it in 4 words: FOCUS ON WHAT WORKS.

We don't consider happiness as a momentary emotional state as fun or pleasure or teams always smiling. Nor do we believe that happiness can be achieved only with a flow of positive experiences. For us, happiness at work includes a sense of well-being, even in those days when we are not happy and emotions such as sadness, frustration, or stress dominate. Although it is not ideal for these more challenging emotions to last too long and be nurtured, or to have too much influence on how we think, often the situations in which they occur are those which nourish our deepest sense of purpose and draw us into meaningful contact with others.

And to have that permanent sense of wellbeing, the first alignment that must exist between employees, companies, and society is a PURPOSE. Employees must identify with the essence of the company and its values must be similar. Companies should look for people aligned with their purposes and the market also looks for brands that are aligned with what they believe Our purpose is a reflection of our core values, and we feel more involved in the work when our daily behaviors and decisions are aligned with those values. We do not want to perform a role. We want to make a difference in the world, we want to transform societies, we want to feel that we have a life of meaning. And we can build all that,

At Please Disturb, we work the WELL BEING in Tourism companies, always having as an imperative basis for success - LEADERS WITH A PURPOSE - that create healthier business environments, with values and a clear, honest, and coherent culture for all stakeholders. We base the construction of Corporate Happiness programs on the following pillars:

Good corporate culture

Involvement and Sense of Belonging

Motivation & Co-creation


Emotional Salary

We are all leaders

Autonomy and Growth


Summarizing, Corporate Happiness actually involves feeling a general sense of pleasure at work; being able to deal graciously with setbacks; connecting friendly with your superiors, co-workers, customers, suppliers; and knowing that your work is important to yourself, your organization, and the society you belong to.

We need to have a job that challenges us, motivates us, a positive environment to awaken a sense of belonging to each of the individuals in the organization.

The world is constantly changing and 2020 has forced a halt to Tourism and a need for a new management approach. We all have to adapt and reinvent ourselves. Technology has become essential and the digital world has come, and is about to come, in a transformation of all processes and even forms of relationships of individuals and teams. But it is the people who make all this happen. And there's at least one certainty, we don't want to work for wages alone anymore, waiting for Fridays and holidays to be "happy".

Over the coming weeks, we will be addressing the different areas of Happiness and Wellness in Business, especially in the Tourism industry, which faces considerable challenges.

* Tal Ben-Sharar

Israeli, guru of happiness, former professor of Positive Psychology, for some years, Tal Ben-Shahar was the professor of one of Harvard University's most popular subjects: Positive Psychology.


Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

Photo by Brian McMahon on Unsplash

Because that is no longer enough... It is no longer enough just to worry about the impacts we cause when we travel. It is no longer enough to know whether the accommodation we stay in has an environmental policy in place. It is no longer enough to know whether the destination we visit has respect for its history and culture. It is no longer enough to know whether the restaurant where we go uses local and national products.

We have to contribute! We have to leave our positive mark... with REGENERATIVE TOURISM.

Much has been said about sustainability and most of the time, unfortunately, already incorrectly. Or just associated with environmental protection or as a baseless marketing campaign, because what we promote being "green" is anything but what actually happens in everyday life. Sustainability has become a fashion and that is a danger... We start making greenwashing*

When I attended last week the intervention of the President of Tourism of Portugal, Luis Araujo, in Planetiers World Gathering, among many insights that were transmitted to us, I retained the sentence where he commented that Tourism at this moment is considered victim or villain. And frankly, I do not know which of the two roles is the worst.

We do not have to be victims in Tourism... Nobody devalues all the impact that this pandemic is having on the sector, but instead of regretting it, perhaps we should go through a process of reflection: were my management models adequate? Why was I unable to generate enough resources for an emergency? What support can I get now? How can I seek out the very essence of my business, that purpose, and reinvent myself as a company that makes a difference? How can I adapt my business model to a new reality that presents itself?


And this is where Tourism comes in as a villain. Let's be true: everything was being too much! I don't like the term "new normal”; it makes no sense. How can we call normality behavior that was destroying the Planet and Humanity? There will be no new normal, but a new consciousness, a blossoming with a new mentality and a new way of living in greater harmony: PEOPLE-PLANET-PROFIT.

Tourism does not need to be a villain, on the contrary. It can, and must, play a fundamental role in the economic recovery with which we will be challenged since it is one of the sectors that drive the economy the most. But its way of acting needs to change and be based on a circular economy and conscious capitalism. In REGENERATIVE TOURISM.

The concept is still very unknown in our country, but it has already been developed mainly by Anna Pollock.

With a systemic vision that covers the relationship of man with himself, with the others, and with nature, Regenerative Tourism proposes a change of values that goes beyond the minimization of damages proposed by sustainability. It is an upgrade to the true concept of Sustainability. Starting from the concept of regenerative development, Regenerative Tourism seeks not only to preserve but also to recover, rescue, regenerate, the various negative impacts that we have already caused on ecosystems, cultures, and individuals as a tourist activity. Once again it considers not only the environmental impacts but also the socio-cultural and economic pillars.

We talk about RESPONSIBLE TOURISM, in which when we travel, we create better places for people to live and visit in this order. There is a respect for the principles of social justice, economic equality, with full respect for the environment and cultures... it recognizes the central role of the local receiving community and its right to be a protagonist in the development of sustainable and socially responsible tourism in its own territory. It operates by fostering positive interaction between the tourism industry, local communities, and tourists.

But enough definitions, the concept to be worked on has to be lived, by all: political entities, institutions, local communities, societies, all tourism agents, and mainly by tourists.

And a warning: we must act now. We must move from words to action NOW!

So that Tourism can be the hero of History...

* It consists of the strategy of promoting speeches, announcements, actions, documents, advertisements and advertising campaigns about being environmentally/ecologically correct, green, sustainable, eco-friendly and relating the image of those who disseminate this information to the protection of the environment, but in fact this is not the case. No real measures are taken to help minimize or solve environmental problems, including often actions taken that even have negative impacts on the environment


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

But there's no need to shout... Social distancing or a layoff regime that many companies have been forced to do in order to survive does not mean that we will stop communicating. On the contrary, we will have to communicate even better, with a more genuine and truer message to all stakeholders.

Despite the challenges of the moment, the leaders of tourism companies will have to maintain serenity and a positive spirit in communication as well. As we have already mentioned here, in essence, the term "leadership" is related to the ability to influence people, to lead them towards a certain goal. Motivating teams. Maintaining unity and a sense of belonging. If in other times this harmony already requires some skills, when we have opposing factors like distance, teams at home, uncertainty in the future, and great instability in the present, now it seems like a superpower. And this is where communication gains even greater relevance.

Leaders are the main channel of communication in companies, inside and outside. Communication is the mirror of organizational culture and is reflected in the management process. So, if the leaders of an organization, of a team, do not communicate effectively, clearly, and honestly, the company will certainly not communicate very well inside and outside. And this will have less positive consequences.


But how to communicate in a correct way, with impact and in this context that Tourism lives? Among the many characteristics that a leader should have, we list the 6 main communication skills:

1. Know how to listen

It is not by chance that we list active listening as the first competence, as it is undoubtedly the most important. Professional listening skills include listening to the message, listening to any emotions behind the message, and considering relevant questions about the message. When you listen to your team you learn what the main challenges are. Most importantly, you will show people that you care, because it takes time to hear their point of view. Listening to understand, not to respond

2. Empathy

If listening is important, being an empath has the same relevance. Replace ego with empathy. Empathic communicators demonstrate a level of authenticity and transparency that is not present in those who choose to communicate behind a carefully crafted façade, sustained by a very fragile ego.

3. Clarity and knowledge

Keep your messages clear and make sure that what you transmit it will be what is perceived to avoid future misunderstandings. Be fully aware of the subject you are talking about. Be honest and genuine. Be specific. But also know how to ask questions when in doubt.

4. Open mind (including possible changes)

The rigidity of a closed mind is the greatest limiting factor of new opportunities. Open dialogues with those who confront, challenge and develop you. Remember that it is not an opinion that matters, but the will to discuss it with an open mind and to learn so that everyone can evolve.

5. Personalization

Even speaking to groups, customize your message. Do not use generalist templates. Stop issuing corporate communications and start having organizational conversations - think in dialogue and not in monologue. The more personal and engaging the conversation, the more effective it will be.

6. Positive non-verbal communication

All employees closely observe their leaders. Even if you have just received bad news, act positively and inspire confidence. An additional note: also observe the non-verbal language of those listening to you. Often, some of the most important signs that people will give you are not spoken.

Summarizing, you will have to COMMUNICATE WITH EMOTION

It is known that from the first moments of life we capture messages and what connects us is emotion. Management will only bear good fruit if the speech is frank, clear, objective, timely, and balanced even in the way we manage emotions. The ability to balance your and others’ emotions will lead us to achieve or not achieve the desired goals.

And all this without forgetting... that in addition to communicating, we will always have to act in accordance with what we say. Being genuine in thought and action. Only this way, we will be able to be a true leader…


leaders and sustainability

Much is said about sustainable tourism and we easily link it to the environmental emergency we are experiencing today. But sustainability evokes much more than the environment; it is also based on socio-cultural impacts and economic impacts. How can a leader be effectively sustainable in the industry of Tourism? And why is this really the only possible way for Tourism and all its players to succeed?

Sustainability is a journey in itself

"I think it is fair to say that sustainability is a journey - not a destination. It is a process, not an outcome. I hope that the best destinations never tick this box and think that they can move to another thing. There are always ways to improve" - Jonathon Day (Associate Professor at Purdue University's School of Hospitality and Tourism Management in the United States)

That is why we speak of conscious decisions. The era of profit at any cost has been left behind and the current leader is responsible for his actions and for the company and teams he leads. When defining a strategy for any tourism company we have 2 axes and to focus on 2 variables: the internal axis which is the ability to achieve strategic objectives and which seeks profit and return on capital beyond the operating result. And the external axis, related to the stakeholders that focus on the stakeholders and society. It demonstrates that in order to obtain profit it must satisfy the audiences that influence the business. Thus, in order to transform the leader's decision into sustainable, it must map top management and its strategic objectives, on the X-axis and those interested in the Y-axis, such as shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, regulatory bodies, community, society, and others, if any.

All decisions should be made taking into consideration the impacts on the pillars of sustainability: socio-cultural, environmental, and economic. People - Planet - Income.

What are then the characteristics or traits of leadership needed to guide a company or tourist destinations towards sustainability?

After reading a few dozen interviews with the best industry leaders, we adapt to the Portuguese reality and current times and resume 6 characteristics that we consider essential:

  1. You must truly and genuinely believe in Sustainable Tourism as the only possible path to the present and especially the Future

  2. You must have the courage so that the change of leadership puts profit as a consequence and not as the main objective. Take disruptive decisions with the current model. Responsible profit.

  3. Ability to communicate sustainable positioning, involve the teams, lead, and empower each of your employees to sustainable attitudes throughout their performance. Ability to create synergy, involve people, and join differences around the idea of sustainability. It must be part of a way of being, not an obligation.

  4. “A sustainable leader must be: generous, visionary, flexible, adaptable, very ambitious in long-term changes, with great certainty in life itself, capable of working as a team, good communicator and conciliator, with a long-term vision, and... passionate about life!"* ". by Beatriz Barreal, Sustainable Riviera Maya, Mexico* Working and leading for a purpose, with a meaning.

  5. “Extensive experience in the tourism sector, versatility, strong listening skills, negotiating and presentation skills, a great sense of humour and great doses of humility and patience". by Paul Rogers, Lux Dev Consultant, Australia*.

  6. “Personal commitment, leadership by example, perseverance, tolerance, transparency, respect and appreciation for the work of others, commitment to finding common ground - and optimism, always!" by Ronald Sanabria, Rainforest Alliance, Costa Rica*.

Companies need leaders who can balance both the pressure of short-term objectives and priorities with long-term objectives and incorporate a new set of ideas focused on improving social and environmental issues in the world. It is about leadership in a way that benefits societies and the environment while maintaining financial performance. But big profit and financial return is NOT the only thing that matters.

There is only one way for Tourism - Sustainability - to go even further: Regenerative Tourism.**

*PS1 - Content based on

**PS2 - This is the path Please Disturb wants to follow and motivate the different Tourism agents in Portugal to follow the same steps. We will approach Regenerative Tourism in different contents.


Photo Unsplash by Eamonn Maguire

Photo Unsplash by Eamonn Maguire

No hesitation: YES!

Even if it is a bad strategy, any company has to define its own, regardless of the adjustments that have to be made over time.

But how can a leader manage to define a strategy in today's Tourism industry?

A purpose-based strategy will allow companies to stay on course with a focus on their core business, making them less vulnerable to external market fluctuations.However, in view of the Tourism situation, there are other factors that should be considered:


Now and in the near future, leaders will have to make quick decisions with incomplete information, many uncertainties, and constant evolution of events (VUCA world). Knowing the internal reality of the company is therefore fundamental, as the external instability of Tourism will be a factor that no one will be able to control.

As such, there are some characteristics that will be fundamental to define and implement a strategy with results:

Being flexible & adjustable to reality

  • With several possible scenarios (medium and long term)

  • Focused on efficient management of resource and process optimization and cost reduction/control

  • Investment in technology and automation

  • Investment in an L&D (Learning & Developing) culture so that teams can be properly prepared to react to changes

Circular & collaborative

  • Internal and external collaboration (circuits and processes)

  • Sales, marketing, and revenue alignment with operational departments

  • Include various distribution channels on and offline

  • Prioritize national and local markets (including immediate neighbors)

Press release

  • Internally and externally for all stakeholders

  • Objectives should be shared by all teams, with regular assessments to readjust actions and to understand team performance



should be placed at the heart of business decisions, not sacrificing people for numbers. But at the same time, the teams must be understanding and actively collaborate in the recovery and sustainability of the company. Leaders should create other leaders.


Although we are in the reaction phase it will also be a great opportunity to review the company's policies and how we can make it more sustainable considering its Social Impact, Environmental Impact and Economic Impact. Leaders should make conscious decisions.


Products and services are easily copyable and even surmountable. But the purpose is unique, and this may also be the opportunity to connect with your employees, suppliers, and customers through more lasting emotional connections. Leaders inspire, not influence.


In the immediate

  1. Analyze the actual situation, without beating about the bush. Start by doing (redoing) the balance scorecard of your company involving 4 perspectives: Financial Perspective; Client Perspective; Internal Processes Perspective; Learning and Growth Perspective

  2. Take the first decision: how will you keep the company in the coming months? Do you have any support to appeal to?

  3. Involve the Teams in the Process from the beginning

  4. Define priorities and objectives, with dates (keeping some flexibility and focusing only on the priorities you know you can develop).

  5. Collect as much information as possible from different credible sources

  6. Define a strategy and adapt it as the situation evolves

Next steps

  1. Never fail to communicate with your employees, suppliers, and customers. Physical distance does not mean social distance. Be present with meaning.

  2. Review all your customer interaction policies (cancellation policies, booking conditions, flexibility, ease of booking...). Build the future.

  3. Invest in the training of teams in different technical skills and human capabilities. Prepare the teams, involving them in the recovery of the company.

  4. Negotiate with all your suppliers in an integrated collaboration perspective.

  5. Invest in technology and automation. Understand how they can be the solution to many of the challenges that Covid has brought, not least because we will certainly have to learn to live with it. Hygienic safety. Sustainability. New business models.

  6. Adapt your sales and marketing plan not only to the national and local markets that will continue to have relevance but continue to support other markets that will return. Adjust revenue and yield management actions accordingly. Alignment.

If the path will be easy? Of course not... but that's why we need Purposeful, True, Genuine and Empathetic Leaders who define strategy and lead the way.

Everything else will follow....

WHAT ARE LEADERS, ANYWAY? (and why we need them so much now in Tourism)

Phone taken on marvelous holidays in Laos. I was seating with this kind men for hours, by the fire, just receiving his serenity and joy.

Phone taken on marvelous holidays in Laos. I was seating with this kind men for hours, by the fire, just receiving his serenity and joy.

Above all, leaders are human. They are people who, like all of us, have weaknesses, qualities, good days and less good days. Like each one of us, they have fears, uncertainties, and security, and they also become disoriented when they were so sure of the way. But what sets them apart: leaders have a presence!

The challenges that any tourism company has to face still in the coming months, after a year that put many of us in an instinct for survival, are unquestionable. The current questions are difficult to answer: suspend the activity or keep the company working? How can we control costs, manage expenses without customers? How can we keep the teams motivated and ready for a new start? For the answers, we need leaders with:


A leader will have to stop and re-evaluate processes, methods, and management style.

_ define a clear and precise list of priorities, a balanced path between the best and worst possible scenario

_ not to be afraid to close (a hotel, a restaurant, ...) if this is the solution to resist


A leader will have to go beyond binary solutions (yes/no) and exhaust all possibilities.

_ evaluate solutions with other forms of sales, distribution, new products or services

_ evaluate all possible support from the government, Tourism of Portugal, and other entities to which they can turn.


A leader will have to involve his teams in building the solution.

_ a sense of belonging: meeting with the teams to hear their ideas, their fears

_ positive, clear, honest, and regular communication. Involvement.


A leader will have to be able to design a plan with several scenarios, not losing his purpose.

_ flexibility and adaptability in the design of action plans. Listening to the market, anticipating.

_ taking decisions based on a sustainable future (including the impact of sustainable tourism)


A leader will have to put the team first.

_ practice active listening. Listening and attending to the different needs of the teams

_ working on team motivation. training, psychological support, communication, ...


A leader will have to move from self-centered management to eco-centric management.

_ develop collaborative management with all stakeholders

_ generate a circular economy, including the "next-door neighbor": who makes tours in your destination?

Being a leader requires now, more than ever, that we work with all our strengths. To just have the idea of firing people to keep the business is reductive and that's not being a leader. If we could build a path so far, we must be able to continue.

That's why self-knowledge is essential right now. A leader must know all his strengths so that he can strengthen them and have his best performance. He must take care of himself, every day. He must not isolate himself. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but of intelligence. He has no problem in showing our weaknesses and seeking a support network. Be humble and always want to learn.

Leaders are human!

And at this moment, what their teams, their followers ask of them is only trust, compassion, stability, and hope.* They will be the great leaders today, who will be at the head of great companies and great teams

*data collected from a Gallup article



I am tourism addicted. I don't know if this exists, but it defines my passion for Tourism. And so are all those who work in this industry. And that's why it hurts... It hurts to have to stop, it hurts to have empty spaces, it hurts not to feel the buzz of the luggage wheels, it hurts not to be able to do what we love the most...
Because Tourism has a soul... and it is wounded, in need of healing.

That is why, in the words of Fernando Pessoa, we see a shared state of mind when we are asked to stop the art of selling Happiness.

To travel! Losing countries!

To be another constantly,

Because the soul has no roots

To live from seeing only!

Not even belonging to me!

To go on, to go on

The absence of an end,

And the eagerness to achieve it!

Traveling like this is traveling.

But I do it without having my

More than the dream of the passage.

The rest is only earth and sky.

We gave ourselves to the delight today of dropping our tears so that tomorrow we can continue on our way, believing that the future will bring us a smile again. Because we believe in our dedication, we believe in the strength of each one of us who works in this industry with Passion.

Tourism has a soul and it will live again with all its essence.


Photo by Unsplash @austinchan

Photo by Unsplash @austinchan

We all have a purpose. We are all leaders. Even if we have not yet discovered any of these essences, they are the truth...

A purpose-based leadership is increasingly discussed as the solution to navigating this complex, volatile and ambiguous VUCA world we face today. Especially in the Tourism industry, where the market looks like a storm in the seas and where we have to change the route constantly, read strategy, adapting to the winds that are always changing. With the frustration of not knowing whether the few decisions we manage to make are "obviously" right or wrong.

So, beyond the purpose of the companies that has to be found, we insist more and more on the importance of strong and genuine leadership that effectively inspires and leads the teams. We do not need more managers focused only on numbers and immediate profit. Instead, we have the opportunity to do better again with leadership that has the ability to turn fear and pain into motivation. That can have the resilience to withstand adversity and uncertainty. Those who have the charisma to communicate positively and to influence others to become leaders.

Tourism will only succeed if there is positive leadership in companies and in each one of us.

PURPOSE LEADERS are needed in Tourism!

And we do not insist on this just because we believe... we finished with a paragraph from a PDL - Purpose Driven Leadership study conducted by Pablo Cardona, Carlos Rey, and Nick Craig that we share, where just a few lines of this excellent work, illustrate the need for us all to be leaders with purpose:

“In an organization run by PDL, living examples are more powerful than communication. Or, should we say, giving example is the only valid way to communicate. And along with this, other leadership skills become increasingly important. For example, shared leadership research has found that leaders who value and respect the purpose of their collaborators and colleagues as much as they value and respect their own are more effective.6 Further, leaders who are willing to support those in the development of their purpose receive more help in return. Finally, leaders who base their relationships on trust, freedom, and respect develop stronger bonds of shared leadership. And this transformation happens more naturally than one would think, as all human beings essentially have a calling to act as leaders. It is not just an option; humans need leadership for personal fulfillment and to reach their full potential. Purpose-driven leadership releases a greater potential of human capacity, helping individuals reach higher satisfaction and meaning at work.”

"purpose to impact"

The real job of a leader is not to be in the line of command, but to take care of those in our charge.

Tourism needs to take care of its own. Let us all be leaders in a positive change in the reconstruction of Tourism.



Photo by

Photo by

When we combine purpose and sustainability in the same company, the result can only be one: success!

In a quite simple way:

1. Purpose: the reason why the company exists. The WHY of the company.

When the company is managed on the basis of its purpose, all its stakeholders work on the same values and motivations, for a much higher reason than themselves or for a simple result. The involvement, dedication, and sense of belonging is much greater. Soon the performance of the teams and the motivation of the employees will also be superior. This will be reflected in the customer service that will also feel connected with the purpose of the company, sharing the same philosophies.

2. Sustainability: action decisions that are aware of the impacts that they will generate at a socio-cultural, environmental, and economic level. The HOW of the company.

If the strategy defined, the actions are taken, the day-to-day decisions and the projects implemented are all aware of the impacts they cause, the results will be more lasting. Having sustainability as the driving force of the way the company develops, it allows guaranteeing the company's own sustainability, generating, once again, stronger links with its employees and customers. Sustainability is not only a trend that is here to stay and that is well placed in our Marketing and Communication plan. It has to be in the essence of the company from the moment of conception, through the moment of delivery to the after-sales/service. The clarity and honesty of the message must be supported by the sincerity of each action. There must be transparency in words and actions. Everything in perfect alignment.

3. Success: the products and services that are offered. The WHAT of the company.

Articulating purpose and sustainability, quality and excellence will prevail. Everything the company will offer will be genuine, authentic, and an added value. Customers will stay connected to the company, be loyal to its products/services, and at the time of the decision to choose, will not hesitate. More than buying products or services, they feel they are part of a cause, of something they identify with. The competition will not be a problem, because even with fluctuating markets, the customer is faithful to his purpose, what they both believe.

And in this way, always moving, ...

hotels will offer a memorable service,

restaurants will have differentiating products

and a destination will remain in the memory to be revisited.

PS - in consequence, profit will come... Yes, we are not talking about utopias, a company needs to make a profit in order to stay open and prosper


Photo by Rawpixel

Photo by Rawpixel

We all have a purpose within us that is the source of our passions and inspirations. We cannot even know what it is yet, nor can we express it in words, but it exists. The same goes for any Tourism company, a People to People business. Everyone will have a reason why they exist and through which they create emotional connections with their stakeholders.

If not, lasting success will not be achievable...

Business is not scientific. While we can measure some tangible things like profit, income, or expenses, there is a large part that is unpredictable, intangible, and difficult to measure like inspiration, trust, or purpose. So, creating, identifying, or even putting into words a purpose is not a simplistic process. According to Simon Sinek, there are 2 ways:

  • through the founders of the company themselves, who will certainly know why they began

  • when the founders are no longer present, there is a method based on the best existing cultural elements.

The method goes through 3 stages:

  • Bringing together as many stories as possible. Looking to the past, to the origin, bringing the memories, and creating the connections. Choose 5 or 6 that really made a difference and share in detail as much as possible.

  • Identify the topics of these stories that are common to the different elements

  • To articulate and define a statement of purpose. Just one honest and memorable sentence.

To complement and help you along this journey, there are several questions you can ask. Kiko Kislansky, himself a well-known and passionate advocate and disseminator of the need for Purpose, has gathered some guiding questions for your company. You can download it from his website.

But why go to so much work to find the WHY of the company now, when there are now so many other challenges. Because the survival of your company will depend on it! We cannot continue working on tourism as we did before, companies have to be aware of their actions, their impacts and make decisions based on why they exist and not how much they will profit.

Moreover, the benefits are huge, numerous, measured, and proven and are reflected in the 3 areas Please Disturb works in a 360ª strategy: employees, customers, and company. We list some of the main ones:


  1. Greater involvement and motivation of employees, which will consequently result in better performance and better results.

  2. The attraction of new employees who share the same philosophy, facilitating the hiring of better professionals.

  3. Reduction in turnover, increase in the rate of retention and talents, due to an increase in the importance of trust and added value that provide better relations.

  4. Better relationships between teams and team spirit reflected in customer service or in the quality of the tasks performed.


  1. Increases customer loyalty, which identifies with the company's philosophy.

  2. Price is no longer the main decisive factor in brand selection. Customers will be less sensitive to market fluctuations and external conditions.

  3. Differentiation of competition. Customers will become less sensitive to sales cycles.

  4. Customers become ambassadors of your brand on a voluntary basis, out of satisfaction.


  1. A clearer strategy that allows redefining the competitive space of the business itself. A product or service that, beyond its initial purpose, conveys meaning will be the one that stands out.

  2. Increase in innovation capacity, with more space for the creation of new business opportunities and new development models.

  3. A stronger brand with a more positive reputation, better perceived socially.

  4. Greater economic and financial growth and greater business performance. With the support of loyal customers and committed employees, it should come as no surprise that organizations with specific objectives are much more likely to outperform the competition.

As we believe that everything to be validated has to be measured, all these findings are supported by numerous studies by Gallup, EY, Morgan Philips, among others.

What we present here is just a simple summary of the dimension that is the importance of a purpose in a company, in which it is essential that all stakeholders are clearly informed of that purpose and that it is genuine and extensible in all areas of activity and in all agents of Tourism.